
Martin (Marty) Smith

Marty (@ScentTrail) Shares 5 Internet Marketing Lessons From The Big C

Internet Marketing Lessons Big C Thumbnail on Curatti

One lesson every Internet marketer learns is to learn from everything. Here are 5 Internet marketing lessons I’ve learned from surviving cancer: Internet Marketing Lesson #1: Be Patient In A Hurry This lesson is contradictory sounding but accurate to the experience of Internet marketing. Patience in a hurry describes one of the core skills every…

Andy Capaloff

Why You Need to Question the Answers

Whereas the title of this post is borrowed unashamedly from a superb Mighty Mighty Bosstones album, the concept came from Greg Satelli (Digital Tonto) in his thought provoking 2010 post, The Stupidity Of Crowds.  He was talking about how the greatest success is for those who buck trends as opposed to following them.  How true…

Martin (Marty) Smith

5 New Money Rules: Making Money In A Thank You Economy

New Money Rules Graphic on Curatti

Everyone has the same problem – New Money’s CATCH-22: You need a scaled network to charge for content. You can’t scale a network without money. New Money’s CATCH-22 When Gary Vaynerchuk created his wine videos they went viral creating a lifting tide that became The Thank You Economy. Share, Vaynerchuk’s book The Thank You Economy…

Albert Qian

[INFOGRAPHIC]: The Chaos of Online Marketing

Here at Curatti, we have the pulse on the evolving nature of Internet Marketing and social media. There’s a lot of activity going on in this space, and it is only getting more chaotic as we speak with the forming of new companies, industries, and job titles. To help with understanding, we crafted an infographic…

Albert Qian

Millennials, You are Your Brand

“What do you believe in?”, a fellow networker asked me at The Art of Active Networking in San Francisco. Confused, I gazed ahead, nursing my alcoholic drink while wondering what he exactly meant. A lot of people at networking events liked asking me what I did for a living, but few cared what I believed…

Anastasia Ashman

What’s The True Value Of Social Networking?

You’re a leading a digital life. Do you sense that? Rather than going online to do something in particular and then going offline to where you actually live and work, the virtual world now represents a fuller picture of who you are and what you are up to. It complements and enriches and facilitates the…

Albert Qian

Resolve to Stop ‘Marketing’ in 2014

We’re in the second week of 2014. My guess is most of our New Years Resolutions have gone back to where they were before the new year started: We’ll start them next week. Maybe next month. Nah, how about next year?  Personal habits, both in the realm of business and one’s personal life are tough…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Startup Trends 2014 II

Startup Trends II on Curatti

Note No sooner than I finished this post than my friend Evan Sanchez Tweeted that Google purchased for $3.2B. If that doesn’t make you want to fire up a startup I don’t know what will. Amazing and is covered in our Distributed Home section below. In Startup Trends 2014 I covered five macro…

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