Why You Should Start Investing In Your Personal Brand

Stop and think for a moment. What would you say is the most important thing to ensure career success? Is it your impressive range of product knowledge for your industry? Perhaps it’s your ability to grow your client’s social presence? While those skills are impressive, as a marketer (as in life) there’s really only once…
Use These 7 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand

You know the importance of promoting your company to develop a solid base of loyal followers. But how much time and effort do you dedicate to building your personal brand? You do have one. It’s what people associate you with; it’s why your personal and professional network seeks you out for information. And you do…
Emotional Intelligence: How Successful Companies Create It

For decades, a lot of emphasis has been placed on understanding an employee’s intelligence quotient (IQ)-referring to that set of cognitive abilities that allows us to acquire knowledge and to solve problems. But in business (as in life) if you only focus on this part of an individual, you are missing one of the major…
Here are 7 Things You Need to Know Before Humanizing Your Brand

By Bryan Kramer What’s the one thing business owners, their staff and customers have in common? They’re all human. So why is it so hard for some of them to go about humanizing business? Maybe some businesses want to present themselves as purely professional. Maybe some are more focused on keywords, and others may not realize…
Here’s The Quickest Way to Build Trust and Loyalty

By Bryan Kramer When it comes to calculating brand value, trust is often a dynamic that is considered mostly an afterthought. Trust is an intangible sum difficult to quantify in business balance sheets. And yet, it’s quite possibly one of the most important things to a company’s overall net worth. Why, you ask? Because trust…
The Impact of Mobile on Human Relationships

By Bryan Kramer Everyone’s been there. A wistful older person, often in the presence of those in a much younger age bracket, begins to rant on the unfortunate prevalence of technology in today’s world. The story that begins with “back in my day” usually ends with this person lamenting the fact that technology has destroyed…
Voyeur, Sharer or Engager: Which Best Desrcibes You?

By Bryan Kramer Remember the Kodak moment? How far from sharing have we come, when a cleverly branded and epic moment was captured on traditional film and shared on prints or slide projectors? We hold onto these as memories and visit with them now and again for the nostalgia and connection. I believe we have…
How Would Your Customers Grade Your Business?

Are you getting the right responses from your customers? If the answer is no, maybe this is a good time to take a look at the conversions from your leads, and ask yourself, “How would my customers like to see me do better for them?” While building a list of subscribers is important, it is…
Differentiate Between Touch Points and Sentiments

By Bryan Kramer Are people and brands so time pressed they can’t separate their ask while giving a sentiment? Do they see everything as an opportunity? We live in a world where social media has enabled us to connect with each other at any given moment. The only thing is, sometimes it’s hard to understand…
Communities are the Future – Are you In?

By Bryan Kramer As humans, we’re used to joining communities in the physical world. We coach our kid’s sports teams. We go to conferences and have co-workers. We belong to book clubs and non-profit groups seeking to learn something new or make our world a better place. Even our own families are small communities. Most…
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