Design a Business Website Your Visitors Will Love

Is it time to do a website audit? Perhaps you are launching a new business and need some great ideas of how it should present itself online. It’s important to have an eye-catching landing page where your products or services are easy to find and recognize. Social media and mobile technology have both changed the…
Before Jumping to Solutions, Know the Context

By Tony Zambito We cannot wait to offer solutions. We have the thirty-second elevator pitch, content marketing, presentations, lead generation, demand generation, sales training, and sales enablement. All designed to be proficient at offering solutions. Some companies can reach a fervent pitch with their marketing and sales in seeking to tell people or companies they…
Has Your Business Facebook Page Stopped Growing?

Facebook Pages have come a long way since their inception with quite a few changes along the way. Today it is a challenge to build fans and engagement without purchasing expensive advertising. Has your business page been a bit dull lately? Facebook’s new algorithm and rules for link baiting have had an impact for certain,…
8 Don’ts of Podcasting

In podcasting there are many things you can do, and there are many things you don’t do. Last week talked about 8 items that will help make a great podcast. This time we look at what ‘not to’ do, that will hurt your show. Don’t sell to your audience Many small business owners, who start…
Where Did Your Social Branding Go?

You are busy – I know. But during the many changes within your business, did you happen to notice in the midst of it all that maybe you missed updating your social media branding? Social + Branding = Consistency If you have found that your social media marketing is not helping to build your brand…
How to Tap into the Power of Brand Advocates

By Barry Feldman Fellow content creators, let’s swallow a big honking reality pill together. The things customers say about our brand runs circles around the prose we produce. According to Nielson research, 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product when they hear about it from friends and family. Got advocates? Maybe you…
The Importance of Turning Your Brand Into A Movement

By Greg Satell Digital technology has changed marketing to such an extent that most brands still struggle to adapt. What once was a massive land war in which the biggest army had a distinct advantage, has become more like a guerrilla insurgency. To win now, you have to own the villages. Pepsi was one of…
Why Your Content Lives or Dies in 10 Seconds
By Lee Traupel Content marketing is non-interruptive marketing that engages and informs a visitor. It’s gonna work or fall flat in about ten seconds like a great Sam Cooke song – you’re humming along or tuning it out. You have ten seconds to get the attention of your visitor. The usability maestro Jakob Nielsen’s Darwinian…
Why Your Brand Is Not What You’re Selling
By Michael Brenner Brand has always been about trust. Brand has always been about choice. And most executives in most boardrooms will agree that a strong brand can provide a competitive advantage. Today, marketing is evolving. Overly promotional tactics can actually hurt your brand image. Digital, social and mobile consumers are looking to interact…
A Social Media Strategy for Every Budget: Image Editing

Pictures tell a thousand words, they say, and in the social media world these days pictures and images mean everything. Did you know that the Facebook algorithm favors images and videos over articles and status updates? As a small business owner or entrepreneur, images should be a critical part of your content strategy. Creativity is…
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