How The Rise of AI Affects Bloggers Socially

We’ve all been alerted recently in the news about the rise of AI – namely ChatGPT, the latest evolution in chatbots, released on 30 November 2022.
It has attracted media attention because high school students are using it to write their essays! Unfortunately for them, their professors smell the proverbial rat, as the quality of these submissions far outstrips the usual nature of what they contribute.
This laziness confirms my suspicions about the reduction in young people’s writing ability – made all the more poignant by the quality of my blog’s guest posts I have received over the past few years.
How The Rise of AI Prevents Proper Learning
How are these indolent scholars going to benefit by merely pushing a button to get their essays written? Though this may not be plagiarising, it is, in fact, cheating, because how is it possible to claim credit for this? And I sorely doubt their ability, let alone wherewithal, to actually read the result and learn from it.
Developing the concept of critical thinking is a valid part of higher education. Their problem-solving skills are never going to improve if the rise of AI is abused in this way. Eventually, degrees will have to be awarded to ChatGPT instead of the students!
At the moment, the rise of AI has yet to supersede the intelligent human being. This includes those who actually bother to think before responding, using their brain rather than impulsive behaviour. But I am worried this particular organ will eventually cease to function properly due to inactivity!
Could The Rise of AI Supersede Humans?
ChatGPT’s success is because of its ability to provide human-like text in response to requests. This is made possible through “natural language processing tasks”. But where does this originally come from? As a British citizen, I worry about the rise in American thought patterns dominating the world, whether we like it or not.
Large corporations already use chatbots as substitutes for their customer service teams. The idea is that these answer our queries without the need to waste time on a telephone call. In reality, however, all they provide is frustration. People end up going round in circles because most chatbots haven’t been programmed properly to cope with human questions.
For example, how can AI offer a suitable reaction for the bereaved if they fail to understand the concept of loss? Having lost both parents last year, I am well aware of this. In fact, I am most disappointed by the automated responses from utility firms because humans and AI have failed to collaborate properly.
The Dominance of AI
If you’re a blogger, it’s time to wake up fast! Already most blogs are tormented by commenting bots infiltrating their moderation folders. However, the quality benefiting from the rise in AI has yet to touch these lowly pursuits, considering the state of input which grace our screens.
It’s already necessary to be aware of AI ‘socialising’ within social media. Would you know if you were actually conversing with a human? Maybe the lack of response will reveal a bot. But the disconcerting fact is this inactivity will fail to catch the attention of the algorithms, on whom we are so reliant for reach nowadays. Another side-effect of bots going wrong.
How can using AI to produce social media posts contribute to ‘social’ conversation? I don’t think the likes of ChatGPT will be wasted here to offer suitable responses to any self-respecting human who deigns to reply. In the end, it will be bots talking to bots, as the humans will have left in disgust!
How Useful Is The Rise of AI?
We’ve always used computers to get mind-numbing activities done fast. Now, AI can translate text into other languages, or provide summaries of long documents, all seen as convenient for the busy person. But will the time saved be put towards conversing strategically on social media, I wonder?
We live in a time-poor world that thrives on extremely rapid skim-reading to obtain required information. Because of this, some young people have already lost the ability to read properly, resulting in the demise of adequate writing skills. The lack of vocabulary, expression, sentence syntax, as well as spelling and grammar, is of great concern.
Once the rise of AI, especially as advanced as ChatGPT, is able to understand emotion, we are in trouble. This is being created for corporate chatbots to comprehend the feedback given by disgruntled customers. But I am still concerned about its relevance of emotional reach within the social world.
The Relevance of AI
Unscrupulous businessmen will consider the rise of AI as a substitute for humans, as bots do not need salaries, get sick or take holidays. However, how long are customers going to put up with automated impersonal human responses to queries or requests, without any human-led resources available? Even if they eventually migrate to social media, how long will the human element continue to be present there?
Businesses are forgetting that their customers are people who prefer to buy from other people. When it comes to competitor research, will chatbots be able to perform social listening more proficiently than humans? Is there really a need to hold conversations with your customers to find out what they really want and what is bothering them?
The rise of AI will outstrip all relevance, humanity, and sociability, only to substitute this with efficiency, versatility, and impersonalisation. ChatGPT does the work for lazy students who can’t be bothered to read or do adequate research. But how does this inspire them to become better? It doesn’t! Eventually, humans will become redundant from work, especially online.
The Future In The Rise of AI
Young people may well sigh, shrug their shoulders and resign to put up with the rise of AI. The way things are going, they may have to learn to live in a world totally, or at least largely automated by AI. They may not even notice how it encroaches on their daily lives, as they become unaware of anything else.
But for us older people, we worry about where the data used is obtained from within the rise of AI. Where is it coming from? Is it relevant? Will AI develop a suitable understanding of all demographics to make our lives bearable? And could we cope with the natural bias installed in AI from those who created it in the first place?
For me, the rise of AI is of great concern. But you may think differently. Let me know what you think in the comments below. At least humans still are allowed to express themselves within blog comments. And yes, this post was actually written by me, without any AI in sight!
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