What to Do about Passwords: 5 Tips for Password Management in a Social Media World

Due to password reuse, a lot of people are at risk of these sorts of events leading to a hijacking of social media channels. Password reuse is the practice of using the same password across multiple sites or properties. For instance, you use the same password for your webmail account and Twitter or Facebook. Losing…
Tips From a Scared Dumbass: You Too Can Upgrade Your WordPress Site: Part Two

Last week, I reported that I was trying to run some WordPress upgrades on Curatti. This is something I’d previously paid others to do for me. Click here to read part one. I’ll spell out how things went while reporting here that all turned out good in the end. Recap/Prep This is simple: Always create…
Do-It-Yourself WordPress Site Updates Seem Scary – Part One

I’m an old-school techie. This may make me more dangerous than someone with little to no technical knowledge at all. Or maybe it makes me more scared. Because I know the damage that barreling in fearlessly to some do-it-yourself upgrading can cause. And this stuff is nothing like what I used to do professionally –…