Category: Social Media

Michael Nelson
November 22, 2013

16 Proven Resources for Small Business Owners

As a business owner, it’s challenging to run the business, deliver value to your clients and market/sell to keep the work flowing.  Here are 16 resources that will help make your life easier in these three key areas.  I’ve used each of these or had them recommended by people I trust and respect. What have…

Michael Nelson
November 18, 2013

Social Media Carrying the Coffeehouse Torch

The coffeehouses of London in the late 1600’s fostered conversations, business, innovation and broke down barriers between people of different classes.  The cost of entry was equivalent to the cost of a cup of coffee and the reward was unfettered access to the other patrons.  At the time, the coffeehouses were criticized as being a…

Nikol Murphy
November 15, 2013

Why Google Plus Hangouts on Air are the Next Big Opportunity

Author: Nikol Murphy What if I told you that you could reach your audience using video WITHOUT them being a Facebook Fan,  having a Twitter Handle, Google+ account, signing up for a teleseminar, webinar or your email list? WARNING!  SHINY NEW OBJECT ALERT! In my mind, there are two types of people. Those who are…

Martin (Marty) Smith
November 12, 2013

Why Content Curation Is Disruptive

What Is Content Curation Curation is an active filtering of the web’s infinite content and it may be the most disruptive Internet marketing tactic. Curators do more than simply assign meta value via categorization. Great curators comment and share experience across content, authors and themes. Great curators such as Robin Good or our host Jan…

Andy Capaloff
November 11, 2013

Why Thought Leaders Need Provocateurs

If life on Earth really started with a single-celled organism, how has natural selection taken us to the point where there are now countless millions of life forms with more evolving daily?  Would any of this be possible if each kept strictly to itself?  If my angle is not yet clear, let me continue with…

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