July 26, 2018
How to Build Your Side Hustle While Working Full-Time [Infographic]

Working a 9-to-5 job has its benefits, and many people feel comfortable in their jobs. Still, it cannot be ignored that having their own business is an attractive prospect to a large portion of people. Transitioning requires hard work, a little luck, and no small amount of courage. And in many instances, it’s wise to test the waters towards entrepreneurship by embarking on a side hustle. Many people have found it a worthwhile endeavor that has resulted in resounding success.
After working for someone else for so long, many entrepreneurs find it refreshing and rewarding to work for themselves and their own business. There is a lot to be said for taking the leap and starting your own business. And a lot of people truly find their calling this way.
Where To Start?
It’s hard to know where to start – especially if you’re already working full-time.
When should you transition from being an employee to being an entrepreneur?
At what stage is it relatively safe to leave your current job?
Should you begin to look for guidance from external sources?
What if you can’t get absolutely everything done?
The questions can be never-ending, and doubts are ever-present. Leaving a stable job for a new venture that isn’t guaranteed success is a daunting prospect. And being worried about exactly what you should be doing and when you should do it, can leave you unwilling to even try.
But if pursuing entrepreneurship is something you really want to do, that shouldn’t stop you – because it could all pay off in a big way.
Obviously, the main concern with the prospect of leaving a job to work on your own business is the revenue. It is incredibly important to have a stable stream of revenue when working on your own business. So it might be in your best interest to begin the business while working a full-time job.
How To Build Your Side Hustle – The Infographic
To help you get started, Fundera has created this infographic describing how you can build your side hustle while working a full-time job.
There are 10 suggestions, including evaluating goals, finding a mentor, and delegating administrative tasks.
These can help you build a business outside of your job to the point where the business can be your full-time job!
Source Fundera.com
Over To You
Do you have any tips for people looking to transition into entrepreneurship? Please share them with your fellow readers. Thanks!
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Meredith Wood is Editor-in-Chief at Fundera. Specializing in financial advice for small business owners, Meredith is a current and past contributor to Yahoo!, Amex OPEN Forum, Fox Business, SCORE, AllBusiness and more. You can tweet Meredith @fundera
Featured image: Copyright: ‘https://www.123rf.com/profile_stanislauv‘ / 123RF Stock Photo
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