
B2B Content Marketing Mastery: Optimize Creativity & Conversion Rate

Content creation is by far the most important B2B marketing tactic. It has two basic purposes – to boost website traffic and increase conversion rate. According to the research, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing but generates about three times as many leads.

However, it’s not easy to achieve these goals in the amidst the glut of digital content. Today, it seems like every company is generating huge volumes of content week after week, so it’s getting more difficult to get your foot in the door and improve brand awareness.

If you want to master the art of B2B content marketing, you need to invest a lot of effort in creativity and user engagement. In this post, we will show you 7 ways to do that. Let’s begin!

Create Longer Content

The days of short and ephemeral content – for blogs in particular – are long gone as B2B consumers demand quality and thorough analysis of each theme. A study found that the ideal length of a blog post is 7 minutes of reading time or 1,600 words.

It is usually enough to cover the topic essentials, but you can go beyond this limit in case you feel like your subject requires additional explanations. In each case, you have to be highly analytical and research-driven. B2B users don’t believe rough estimations or assumptions. Instead, they want to read a well-written post.

This is not only great for your business in general, but it also establishes you as a key thought leader in your niche. If you build such a reputation, new visitors will keep coming and you’ll grow the base of loyal followers. And that is an anchor of long-term success.

Solve Real Problems

A good piece of content is always well-polished and descriptive in nature. But it doesn’t mean that you should rely on stylish writing exclusively. On the contrary, you must be clear and straightforward. Your job is to solve a concrete problem and tell clients what to do in any given situation. This is exactly what makes the content engaging, which is the biggest marketing challenge in 60% of cases. But if you don’t offer an actionable solution, you can’t expect to increase conversion rate.

Make Multimedia Content

Although blog writing still remains the key element of digital marketing, you should keep in mind that multimedia content has been flourishing in the last few years. For example, visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content.

It’s the opportunity you cannot afford to waste. So you’d better start thinking about multimedia content ideas straight away. In general, there are 4 basic types of multimedia:


How you structure posts is not less important than what you write or say. Bearing this in mind, you should design articles so as to fit the norms of online readability. It means you should use short and simple sentences, avoiding complex structures and mind-boggling discourse.

At the same time, you should add lists or bullet points to your posts to ensure easier scanning. An average user is not willing to read a lot of text, so you have to allow them to grasp the essence in not more than the few seconds.

You can also highlight keywords, add whitespace to separate paragraphs and break down posts into several subheadings. All these formatting suggestions are small but extremely important for the allure of the digital content.

Publish. Flawless. Content.

Even if you are sure of the content quality, you need to check it once again before publishing. Some of the best posts could go terribly wrong if you don’t check the facts or proofread. Fortunately, there are enough online tools to give you a hand here:

Include a CTA

If you don’t want to end up publishing high-quality but non-engaging content, you have to add a call to action (CTA) to each post. This element of digital content has to be straightforward and visually attractive. You should set it apart from the rest of the post – make it larger and change the color to increase the contrast. Most marketers use red or green to highlight CTA buttons, but each color can make the desired effect on some occasions.

Content Distribution

B2B marketing is specific because it cannot go too wide. On the contrary, you need to focus on the right channels to ensure successful content distribution. Almost 70% of the typical B2B buyer’s journey is now done digitally, so a website is always a good starting point. But where should you go after that? The correct answer is social media.

Although Facebook and Instagram attract more users, it doesn’t necessarily mean that these platforms are the best choice for B2B clients. On the contrary, LinkedIn and Twitter have been proven to generate better results in this field. Optimizing content for these networks, you can approach target customers and skyrocket conversion rates in the long run.


Content creation is an essence of contemporary B2B marketing and the best model to improve brand awareness and increase conversion rate. In this post, we showed you 7 ways to enhance your marketing strategy and design content that could win over the hearts of your clients.

Which tip do you consider to be the most important? Do you have other suggestions to share with our readers? Don’t hesitate to tell us about your opinion in the comments section, below. It will make the post more comprehensive and interesting!

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Joan Selby

Joan Selby is a former ESL teacher and a content marketer. She also runs her own blog about social media and writing tips. Joan is a Creative Writing graduate and fancy shoelover. A writer by day and reader by night, giving creative touch to everything. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook