3 Digital Support Sore Points To Get Rid Of

‘We’ve realized that we need to be more focussed on our customers’ needs.’ When I hear such an expression from some managers, I have to admit that I have mixed emotions. On one hand, I appreciate humbleness. On the other, I ask myself where did they live for the last 5 years? That’s why it’s time to unveil three key sore points for those who are still struggling with Digital Customer Service.
Where Many Organizations Stumble
Alright, I know that integrating digital support channels in an operational environment doesn’t happen overnight. That said, there are some frequent misconceptions that have a strong, negative impact on many digital customer service plans. I’ll show you them in a nutshell:
- A lack of understanding that taking care of the details of each digital conversation is key for any business. Simply, you can’t build healthy, long-lasting customer relationships without that care! Your business will surely suffer, and perhaps irreparably. With it, you can increase up-selling and cross-selling opportunities with people who have decided to ignore competitors’ sirens because they TRUST YOU.
- Focusing all efforts, actions, and budgets on just one single area. E.g. investing in an omnichannel platform considering just one department, whilst ignoring others (purchasing the tool just for marketing staff and not for customer service or vice versa).
- Accordingly, underestimating any potential cross-functional synergy that would instead help improve each department in tracking customers’ behaviors and expectations and acting upon them.
Related: to prevent / remove the above sore points, start from these tips to get your Digital Customer Service fit and uniform.
Over To You
If your organization is struggling with one or more of the above sore points, customer experiences tend to be poor. Or at least fluctuating like hot shares on the stock market – which is dangerous in terms of customer churn, today and in the future.
So I’d like to know: what are your current biggest Digital Customer Service challenges?
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Paolo Fabrizio
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