
12 Tools and Strategies For Email, WordPress, and Pinterest Marketing

The following is made up of 3 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about four helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are:

Four Email Marketing Tools For Better Conversions

1) Professional emails made easy – Mad Mimi

Want to create a professional looking email without the expensive software? Then you’ll love this easy drag and drop tool. Mad Mimi is great for marketers who are just starting their business and don’t have a big budget yet. Create a message that your prospects will want to read with sharing and tracking features included.

2) Precise subscriber insights – Exact Target

Do you have a large number of emails that need to be sent out? Then you might want to try Exact Target from Salesforce, which can handle the volume with added features like surveys and social sharing. Features include segmenting based on profile data, automation, detailed reports, and user behavior measurement. A free demo is available if you want to give this a try.

3) Powerful email marketing – Constant Contact

Expand your HTML and CSS customization options for email with this savvy tool. Constant Contact is a step up, and well up to the task of handling complex emails. Quickly and easily create professional looking messages with drag and drop features and fast editing. Personalize your emails and build more connections through automation and scheduling. Already have an email list? These can be uploaded right into your dashboard with automatic removal of unsubscribes, bounces, and inactive emails. You can get started for free with a no credit card required trial.

4) Reach your subscribers for free – MailChimp

Create a simple newsletter or post to social media with an easy to use email marketing software. MailChimp delivers a lot of punch and with many no-cost services to boot. This has become a popular choice for marketers and businesses over the last few years and continues to build upon its platform. If your business doesn’t have the funds yet for email marketing software, then this is a great tool to start with in order to promote your website and attract a larger audience.


4 WordPress Plugins to Improve Your SEO Strategy

1) Fix broken links and missing images – Broken Link Checker

Monitor your website and stay on top of links that are no longer working — including images. Broken Link Checker scans your posts, pages, comments, etc. then redirects the reader. Get notifications via email and stop search engines from following any broken links. Each one can be edited right inside the plugin, without having to open each page or post.

2) Add nofollow attributes to your website – Rel Nofollow Checkbox

Drive search engines to the most important content on your blog. Rel Nofollow Checkbox is a simple plugin that includes a checkbox that allows you to quickly create a nofollow attribute. Avoid penalties and improve your visibility with this simple plugin.

3) Easy solution for beginners – The SEO Framework

If you are not familiar with search engine optimization but don’t want to hire a firm, then this plugin could help. The SEO Framework is fully automated and helps you improve your search presence. The preconfigured options allow for adjustments on posts, pages, taxonomy, and term as well as suggestions on what to improve. Increase your social shares as well as page rank with this free plugin.

4) Provide a Short Summary – All In One Schema Rich Snippets

Create a synopsis of your website’s pages on places like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook in a nice format. All In One Schema Rich Snippets allows you to create snippets that are interactive and stand out from the rest of the competition. This great plugin helps improve your ranking and displays the right information when a user shares a link on Facebook.


Get More Activity From Pinterest With These 4 Tools

1) Creative, Beautiful Visuals – loop88

The best type of branded content is something that your followers will want to share. loop88 helps your business develop a customized road map for content creation, improved profiles, and management of promoted pins. Create stunning visuals that will increase your sales results and exposure to influencers.

2) Find the best group boards – Pingroupie

In order to attract attention to your pins, you need to share your content with right audience. Pingroupie helps you find the top groups for your business niche to pin and interact in. Get started by selecting a specific category and then search for results. You will be able to see how many members are in each group along with the date when the group was created. This is a great way to start making connections without having to send out cold requests.

3) Connect your Facebook Page with Pinterest – Pinvolve

Convert your Facebook images into pins or create viewable boards for your Page. Pinvolve allows you to connect your Page and save time in designing pins separately. Store your photos, convert posts to pins, and display your pins to your Facebook Page. This is a perfect solution for busy visual marketing professionals and bloggers.

4) Turn Pinterest content into sales – Olapic

Capture and upload the best brand imagery for all of your social networks. The Olapic app helps your business develop a targeted strategy that attracts an audience through strong visuals. Use this for a new product launch or include your network to brainstorm ideas. The app is available for iOS, Android, and computer users.

Over To You

Do you have any experiences with the above apps, strategies and plugins that you’d like to share?  Are there any tools in the above categories which you think our readers should know about? Have you made any new tool discoveries that you feel are about to take off and would like to share with others? Please leave your comment, below.


Additional readingEmail Marketing Is Still The Best – Especially For SMBs

Could WordPress Pings Really Get You Instant Traffic?

How To Create Visual Content That Builds Empathy With Your Brand

This is a curation of 3 Monday Tips posts which originally appeared on They are republished here with permission.

The original articles can be found here:

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Online Marketing with Focus - Let Susan Guide you to Online Success. Especially loves to help Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs. Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs. Author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog: