The Best Blogging Advice You’re Not Taking

Whether you are writing blogs, an article, or a novel, having a passion for your subject matter matters. Writers are told that they should always write with their audience in mind, yet more often than not bloggers are writing to an audience they have little connection with.
The personal blogging success rate, when measured by generated revenues, is not particularly high. Based on this survey, 81% never make $100 from blogging. Only 9% generate enough income to sustain their personal lifestyle while blogging 4-6 hours a day.
They are the fortunate few who will see their efforts translate into a significant monetary reward. All other bloggers might end up slaving away over a hot computer.
Write About Your Passion and People Will Follow
One might choose blogging to pursue a passion, a love for a particular cause, political ideology, or expression of personal experience that they deem worthy of expression and acceptance.
Monetary compensation is certainly a part of the end game, but merely creatively expressing what is in your heart and mind in words should be part of your objective.
With all this said, the idea of writing about what you find interesting and people will follow an idea worthy of serious consideration.
Perhaps the biggest reason is that the Internet has opened up a global community where your thoughts on any subject, no matter how extreme or silly your views may appear to others, will almost certainly grab someone’s attention.
It has the potential to grow into hundreds or thousands without an injection of media exposure.
Build an Audience of Followers Who Share Your Passion
If you have been writing for any length of time, you should have a very good idea about not only what you want to write about, but how well you write it.
A silent admission that only is recognized after discovering you have no audience is that not everyone can write well, just like not everyone can compose music.
Whether you are creating a composition in words or notes, the result will be a construction that will be heard either as noise or a beautiful and meaningful expression.
Having a passion does not always translate into a work of art.
That leaves us with those who have the natural or developed skills to prosaically pursue their passion. One of the first realities to face is that you have to become an expert in your passion.
This is most likely the case to begin with but still requires continued growth.
During this journey of learning, you become aware of the most important names and faces of your passion, and many of those who follow them. Here is where your audience lives.
Your Audience is Built Into the Pursuit of Your Passion
There are likely many more who share your enthusiasm and, like yourself, are seeking to know more and become more involved. In the parlance of social media, one of the connections you can make is to find influencers and thought leaders who already have an established following.
You probably have already encountered some of them through the aforementioned pursuit of knowledge, and have a starting point.
The idea of writing to your passion is that people will follow. Any successful blogger will tell you that it takes at least one year for the average blogger to get noticed and taken seriously by thousands.
The bad news is that you will have to be patient.
The good news is that along the way you will develop patience. An enormous advantage to writing about your passion is that you will never get bored of just writing about it.
A test of your passion will be to continue writing without immediate monetary reward.
Become Aware When People are Indeed Listening
A responsibility you will have to accept should you decide to walk down this road of passion is that people will depend on you to write regularly.
Developing a following is becoming aware that people are indeed listening to you and want to hear what you have to say.
If you are in need of a confidence booster, realizing that at the beginning hundreds of people will be waiting for your next perspective or insight should do the job.
There is a reward to taking responsibility.
It can be fairly asked what does a blogger do in the interim, waiting for this financial reward.
One of the seminal rules for serious and professional bloggers is to make sure you spend some time each day writing. It should be a specific amount of time and when you are in the best writing environment possible.
Those who are taking the dispassionate approach by writing for money need to spend some time each day writing about their passion. It will serve as a motivator to get you through the next day and remind you where your heart lies over the long haul.
Final Thoughts
If one thing can be said about blogging because of your passion, is that it can be done every day for the rest of your life.
If you feel like you are alone in your quest to connect with others who share the same passion (and by the way, this is who you’re following actually will be) take heart. There are hundreds, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people who want to hear your voice and see what you see.
The challenge is to be able to effectively communicate and express those moments in time where you experience your passion.
Ron Sela
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