9 Advanced Email Personalization Techniques to Woo Your Subscribers

Personalizing emails using your subscriber’s first name? Great. But did you know that it’s not enough anymore? Visualize yourself in the shoes of your subscriber – You are surfing through your crowded inbox, looking for the elusive email meant for you. Amidst the ocean of generic subject lines and monotonous greetings, one email stands out…
Digital Trends to Grow Your SaaS Business in 2021

To maintain business growth, you need to strike a balance between how your SaaS product drives user behavior and keeping an eye on trends. Product developers can sometimes get preoccupied with the former and lose sight of the importance of being intelligently reactive. New technology, disruptive software tools, global events, and gradual changes in user…
How User Behavior Analytics Can Improve Your Conversions

In another epic article, Shane Barker shows how User Behavior Analytics can improve your business conversions. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. 5 Ways User Behavior Analytics Can Improve Your Conversions Like every other business, you want to improve your conversions. But the problem is you’re not sure how…