Are You Keeping Your Customer Relationships Alive?

After some time together, your customer decides to take a different path. They decide to stop the cooperation with you for an unidentified length of time. Quite a shock, uh? If you have already experienced this, you know that your first reaction is emotional, often with mixed feelings. However, as counterintuitive as it seems, that’s…
Customer Service Failures: From Hello to Hell No!

After this festive season, we are ready to get on with the new year. Despite our usual good intentions ‘I want to be more friendly, helpful or patient’, our daily routine soon brings our feet back on the ground. That will surely happen when you need to get in touch with the customer service of…
How to Respond to Happy and Unhappy Customers on Social Media

Social media has transformed both customer service and marketing. Customers now use platforms like Twitter and Facebook both to complain about companies and to compliment them. Some businesses see social platforms as just a potential problem — a source of public customer complaints against them. The companies that get ahead are those that instead see…
How To Effectively Deal With Customer Rage

A couple of weeks ago I was on a train heading to Florence, Italy. Unfortunately we remained stuck inside a tunnel for over 2 hours. All of the passengers were stranded, as the train crew literally disappeared. Desaparecidos (that’s how we say it in Italy!). We could barely understand the ‘train voice’, which gave us…