11 Tools & Apps to Improve Your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Of course a mobile marketing strategy is important. We all know that. But are we doing everything we can? And are we doing it right? Shelly Kramer offers 11 tactics we can use to power our mobile marketings. This is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Mobile Marketing Strategy Want to…
Plan Strategy & Tactics To Achieve Your Business Goals

Do you know the difference between strategy and tactics when creating a goal plan for your business? A strategy is just the starting point to your planning process. Tactics make the entire process work with daily actions. This applies to sports teams as well as businesses. Once you have a set goal in place, you…
14 Tools To Transform Your Twitter Engagement
By Brian Fanzo Twitter, like all technology and social media platforms, has changed drastically over the last couple of years. While the technology and platforms have changed, the impact and value gained have only increased. The problem is a great social strategy and philosophy will only get Twitter users so far. The learning curve for…
5 Reasons You Don’t Need to Be on Every Social Network

What if I told you that you didn’t need to have your business on Facebook? Most companies would freak out over this. It’s understandable too, because Facebook has over a billion users and is one of the largest social networks out there. But like anything, just because there is a crowd rushing to adopt something,…