Followers: Quality Trumps Quantity. Here’s Why

By Mike Allton There’s a grand misconception among business owners and social media users that follower counts are extremely important. Too much talk and emphasis is placed on how so-and-so has one million followers. The reality is that after a point, none of that matters. It’s true that a new business Twitter account that has…
Why People do not Choose What Content They Consume

The Illusion of Choice People believe that it is purely their choice, when they determine what to do, where to go, what kind of information to consume. Is it? Not really. It started thousands of years ago and continues to this day, – most of people’s actions are under the influence of their reference groups.…
The New Social Marketing: A Sensory Experience

By Bryan Kramer Humans are social creatures; this is something we all know and understand. But last year, at the Pivot conference in New York, I had the pleasure of interviewing Scott Hebner (VP of Social Business at IBM) and friend Kare Anderson (author, speaker, columnist and coach) on a main stage appearance about how…
The New Ecommerce: Current Best Practices

From Tomorrow’s Ecommerce: Designing Tomorrow’s Ecom Website Today Haiku Deck The Haiku Deck above is about the New Ecommerce. We’ve written (or are writing) three blog posts to support trends we see in the new ecommerce including: I: Current Ecommerce Best Practices (you are reading this :). II: Rise of the Social & Mobile Web…
Escape From Google – Diversify Your Internet Marketing

Note: This post is a preview to my Digital Marketing For Business presentation this Wednesday May 8th at 10:00 in the Raleigh Convention Center. Escape From Google I’m not Snake Pilssken the character Kurt Russell played in John Carpenter’s famous end of the world movie Escape From New York. Carpenter’s 1981 movie had the world…
[INFOGRAPHIC]: The Chaos of Online Marketing

Here at Curatti, we have the pulse on the evolving nature of Internet Marketing and social media. There’s a lot of activity going on in this space, and it is only getting more chaotic as we speak with the forming of new companies, industries, and job titles. To help with understanding, we crafted an infographic…
Startup Trends 2014

Startup Trends in 2014 is a wide ocean of a topic (lol). Swimming around trying not be swept away I found a great macro trend report from Fjord. Fjord is owned by Accenture (so BIG) and they’ve taken a hip Forrester-like approach to the creation of an excellent and free annual trends report Before diving…
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