How to Design and Launch Your First UGC Campaign

User-generated content (UGC) should be part of your marketing strategy. In fact, it should be part of every company’s marketing strategy. “Why?” we hear you ask. UGC is a means of leveraging your audience to do a huge amount of the heavy marketing lifting for you. Imagine a world where your content is created and…
How To Build A Facebook Group With 1k+ Members (6 Best Practices)

As a business owner, it’s challenging to figure out the most effective social media avenues you should invest in and focus on. More importantly, which forum ensures greater reach and a good ROI? When comparing social media platforms, each one offers potential opportunities to connect with your customer base. And when it comes to engagement…
How to Engage Your Target Audience Using These 5 Tactics

Want to boost your sales and revenue? You need to reach out to your target audience and engage them first. That’s actually easier said than before. Because your audience is smart. They can see through overly promotional tactics. You need to find a way to engage them. The problem is that many brands equate this…