How To Write Great SEO-Friendly Content in 2018

Search engines are becoming smarter and concentrating more on users’ behavioral factors. Meanwhile, marketers are struggling to broaden SEO processes far beyond blind link building with nothing but market-defining keywords. Yes, backlinks and anchors matter; but the catch is, they all reshape all the time for content better optimization and promotion. That said, the rules…
7 Practical Ideas to Revitalize Your Content and Improve Blog Performance

You’re blogging for business. Of course, you want more traffic, and all that comes with it… As we know, one of the surest ways to improve blog performance is by kicking your content game up a notch. In other words, you need to focus your energy on creating the best and most engaging content that’s…
How To Turn Your Good Idea Into a Great Article

Blank pages are the deepest fear of everyone who is involved in the process of writing. Every day you’re looking for the topics that you believe your audience will love. Once your post is ready, you face another problem: what heading to choose so that your great article might shine? Well, in short, there are…
3 Reasons Why Site Speed is an SMB’s Most Important Metric

If there is one thing almost everyone living in the ‘first world’ agrees on, it’s the sheer frustration of a slow-loading website. For SMBs working tirelessly to break into the market, this can be the grim reaper of all their efforts. To put things in perspective, in 2016, experts found the threshold for eCommerce website…
6 Proven Ways to Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

In 2015, Wired website published an article predicted that in less than two years, smartphones would overtake actions and operations previously done by computers. Today, this prediction, as well as other very similar from other expert portals, has almost completely come true. And although Mary Meeker’s (of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers) report for Internet…
The Curatti Lead Generation Roundup

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] For Curatti’s very first expert roundup, we thought we’d start with one of the more important topics in marketing. To state the blindingly obvious, all businesses want sales. And in order to make those sales, they need leads! Lead Generation, and it’s digital cousin, Inbound Marketing are…
Quick SEO Win: How to Refresh Your Old Content

You write compelling content which you believe can go viral. Your articles are full of value for the reader, including illustrative examples and useful tips. What could go wrong? We know this harsh truth about content marketing: it doesn’t matter how brilliant your article is if no one can find it on the Internet. Unfortunately,…
How Long Does It Take To Rank In Google? [Infographic]

You simply need to know what to expect, right? It’s the dreaded question asked by many website developers. “How long does it take to rank in Google?” The ranking is what it’s all about. Why have a website if you don’t have this goal? But you probably know it’s easier said than done. Even your…
3 Things You Need To Know About SEO – Even If You Don’t DIY

SEO. Not too many subject can compare with it for importance. There are plenty of medium-to-high level posts on the subject right here on Curatti (and almost everywhere else!). But some subjects require little refreshers on the simple stuff also. This article by John Jantsch will show business owners some of the things they need…
Find Link Building Opportunities From Your Competition

Some say that link building is dead. Well, link spamming is dead and let’s leave it at the beginning of the 2000s and forget it forever. In 2016, Google came out to prove that, as well as content, links are still key pillars of SEO. Links from relevant and trusted websites will not only boost…
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