Build Communities that Convert – Here’s How – Part 1

Sometimes I forget just how long I’ve been managing online communities. Whether it was my guild in Everquest, the OSU Dodgeball Club on Myspace, the numerous Facebook pages I created in college, or the massive brand pages I currently admin. I’ve been around long enough to see just how much social communication has evolved. Through…
Simple Way To Welcome People Into Your Network: Open Doors

If you’re here at Curatti, you’re building digital community. All of us here are seeking connection with people we want to be in touch with, whether we’re business owners or marketers or industry peers, or simply exploring the professional possibilities of today’s increased connectivity. I know for me, as a solopreneur with a publishing world…
Who You Follow is Important and Here’s Why
As web anthropologist Stowe Boyd likes to say, “The single most important decision we make in a connected world is who to follow.” Your social networks are your window onto the world, a lens on your market. You determine how wide your window is, and how focused the lens. Ultimately, your online connections will color…