Is There Truly An Ideal Article Length? We Think Not!

Let’s Finally Put the Ideal Article Length Debate to Rest When it comes to marketing to the B2B crowd, what is the ideal article length? This is a question that has plagued marketing writers since blog posts became a thing. Some say longer posts are king while others say shorter posts reign supreme. Who’s right?…
Your Complete Content Plan, Part 3: Content Distribution

This is the final part of the Infographic series “Your Complete Content Plan”. If you missed the prviosu parts. you can link to part one – Keyword Research – here, and part two – Content Creation – here. The next stage of content planning is Content Distribution. We are well aware that Content Distribution is…
Improve Your Content Marketing Reach With Medium

Social media provides a great outlet for businesses and brands to connect with their audience and spread the word on their content. Now Medium has come along as a helpful complement to your blog where you can further grow your subscribers and followers online. Twitter co-founder, Evan Williams, began the publishing platform in 2012, which…