
Martin (Marty) Smith

How Can Your Website “Make Love”: 5 Internet Marketing Tips

How Websites Make Love Beatles Graphic on Curatti

The Beatles Were Right When the Beatles said, “And, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make” they were both right and prescient. The Beatles were speaking about web marketing long before there was a web. Creating websites that people LOVE is rarely discussed. I’ve heard, “Create great content”…

Albert Qian

5 Ways to Please Your CMO Using This One Easy Trick

That title got your attention didn’t it? Such as the state of the Internet these days. Content marketing, having exploded in the way that it has over the past few months, has contributed to a robotic methodology of writing blog posts much like this one. Blog posts champion the importance of giving a numerical amount…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Escape From Google – Diversify Your Internet Marketing

Escaple from Google on Curatti

Note: This post is a preview to my Digital Marketing For Business presentation this Wednesday May 8th at 10:00 in the Raleigh Convention Center. Escape From Google I’m not Snake Pilssken the character Kurt Russell played in John Carpenter’s famous end of the world movie Escape From New York.  Carpenter’s 1981 movie had the world…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock

How To Avoid Community SHock graphic on Curatti

Content Shock Becomes Community Shock Content Shock: Why Content Marketing Is Not A Sustainable Strategy is a highly influential post by Mark Schaefer. Mark outlines what every content marketer knows. We can’t ALL create an infinite amount of content and win. Attention is one of the few things that we can’t easily create more of.…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Sharing Your Process With Customers Is Your Product

Process is Product on Curatti image

Process Is Product In 2009 I wrote: An eye of our collective Digital Marketing Storm settled briefly today. It is the day before Thanksgiving. Our web site is speeding up even as staff and friends hit the road. During a mid afternoon lull a thought settled in too. Process is product I thought. What does…

Martin (Marty) Smith

5 New Money Rules: Making Money In A Thank You Economy

New Money Rules Graphic on Curatti

Everyone has the same problem – New Money’s CATCH-22: You need a scaled network to charge for content. You can’t scale a network without money. New Money’s CATCH-22 When Gary Vaynerchuk created his wine videos they went viral creating a lifting tide that became The Thank You Economy. Share, Vaynerchuk’s book The Thank You Economy…

Martin (Marty) Smith

8 Visual Marketing Lessons from Vogue

Curatti Vogue 8 Visual Marketing TIps

We Are All Visual Marketers Now The meat of this Wikipedia visual marketing definition is “relationship between an object, the context it is placed in and its relevant image”: As digital marketers and storytellers we use images to seduce, cajole and support. Fashion and design provide great examples of visual marketing… but these days we…

Martin (Marty) Smith
Red Bull Stratos Curatti

Why Contagious? You could read Jonah Berger’s Contagious: Why Things Catch On as an update to Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference, but I wouldn’t (lol).  Berger’s assertion that Gladwell is mostly wrong seems moot. The Tipping Point is philosophy. Berger’s book is ditch digging psychology based on his…

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