
Jan Gordon

This article is republished here by permission of Lee Traupel   It’s a noisy world, your marketing resources and headcount are limited and in some case, you’re still defining who your customers are. How Marketing is being Redefined in Real Time 50% or more of your customer engagement will be on smartphones in next 12…

Jan Gordon

Do your customers have an emotional connection to your brand?

The Importance of Emotional Connection Creating an emotional connection to your brand is the way that you turn customers into raving fans that beat down doors to buy your latest offering. Appeals to emotion have been used in advertising for decades. In the digital realm, many marketers are attempting to use emotional appeals through content…

Jan Gordon

Why Marketers Should Stop Expecting Their Content To Go Viral

The following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral ContenThe following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Expectations are a part of life. They play a critical role in relationships, life events, job performance, sports and yes, even…

Jan Gordon

Here’s A Whole New Approach To Content Marketing

The following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: A Smarter Way To Think About Content Marketing The challenge with “content marketing” as a term or approach is that it’s by nature a very tactical way to engage with customers and prospects. It can easily be done in a silo. There is nothing stopping…

Albert Qian

Why Your Marketing Starts With a Great Success Story (Part 1 of 2)

Remember how excited you found yourself when you were a child and it was story time? That same notion of story time applies marketing your company as well. In the past, success stories when  published in a magazine or in a newspaper reached a limited audience. Fortunately today, the existence of social media allows for…

Jan Gordon

Four Surefire Ways To Increase Your Content Curation Traffic

Many of us, including Curatti writers Marty Smith and Karen Dietz, ‘cut our teeth’ on the scoopIt platform.  Used correctly, it offers any content marketer an invaluable means of driving traffic to their site, so boosting their SEO.  This article, by Guillaume Decugis, co-founder and CEO of ScoopIt shows some of the advantages of using…

Jan Gordon

Six Ways to Measure Owned, Earned and Paid Social Media

Danny Brown has kindly given us permission to re-publish some of his articles.  For those of you not familiar with him, Danny is a published author (co-author of Influence Marketing and The Parables Of Business), and an excellent and provocative writer not only for his own blog,, but also for IBM Open Forum. This…

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