How To Establish Your Brand as a Thought Leader

There are several ways in which you can build a brand reputation of authority online amidst changes in marketing methods. The term influencer has become widely used and doesn’t convey what your brand is truly about. To be truly effective, you should look instead to becoming a thought leader in your industry. And you do…
Connecting With the Right Influencers for Business Growth

When it comes to forging high-level business connections online, are you reaching the most influential people? Are there roadblocks to getting your content shared by trusted sources? Influencer Marketing is not just about following the right people, but rather it’s a way to build relationships with key people in your industry whom your audience respects…
Time to Stop Recycling Thought Leadership

By Michael Brito It’s taken me 4 months to write this post and I am still not sure exactly what I want to say, if it’ll make any sense or if anyone will read it. I’ll give it a shot anyway. I have been blogging since 2006 and I am definitely guilty of recycling thought…
Sales Pitches Don’t Sell

Sales pitches don’t sell, but authenticity, leadership and service do. How you create that shift within your business and your mind will determine the results you experience in the coming years. The internet and the world of social selling have changed the face of what “selling” looks like, most likely forever. Selling might well be…
Entering The Age Of The Golden Rule

Our digital and social world is commoditizing products and services in the minds of our prospects and customers. In order to distinguish ourselves, teams, and business offerings requires more than great products or services to stand out from the competition. I propose marketing and selling our products and services through highly moral and ethical behavior. Why? Because the formerly separate worlds…