
Robert Caruso

The Top Digital Marketing Technology Trends & Solutions

Digital Marketing

Continuing our “Great Articles You may have missed” series….. As the speed with which digital marketing changes continue to increase, business and marketing executives are forced to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. The importance of understanding the technologies, platforms and content being used is a crucial element of digital marketing success. At the heart…

Andy Capaloff

Facebook News Feed Algorithm Changes: What You Need To Know

By now, April’s major change in the Facebook algorithm isn’t exactly news, even if most people will not be familiar with its minute details. Was anyone surprised by this or any other of the Social Media giant’s changes? No, me neither! But maybe just maybe, we can start to see some positive trends happening now?…

Daniel Newman

What Is The Relationship Between Influence And Expertise?

“In a world where people are overwhelmingly seeking out high impact content to help them make purchase decisions, should brands be aligning with experts to serve the role of influencer?” The Makings of An Expert What is an expert anyway? By definition it is someone having comprehensive or authoritative knowledge in a particular area. In…

Daniel Newman

Why Facebook Knows Us Better Than We Know Ourselves

I saw the movie Her not too long ago and it left an impression. The whole idea of Joaquin Phoenix falling in love with his computer’s operating system, which turns out to be “someone” who understands him better than anyone else, makes me wonder if we are headed towards a similar future? While the movie…

Andy Capaloff

The Power of Emotions, B2B Marketing And Your Business

Storytelling provides the emotional aspect to B2B marketing that stands one company apart from another.  My article for this week pulls a nugget or two from several, perhaps not obviously linked articles, hopefully paving a path from one to the other where it may not be so obvious reading each article individually. The New Buyer…

Karen Dietz

Secrets of Visual Storytelling: 7 Fab How-To Articles

There is a lot of interest these days in visual storytelling because images are processed faster by the brain, and they are way more memorable than text. So mastering the ins-and-outs of visual storytelling is key if you want to grow your business, gain more visibility, or make a difference in the world. So I…