
Sujan Patel

How to Use LinkedIn to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche


LinkedIn now has 660+ million users in over 200 countries and territories worldwide zhat’s twice the population of the United States on one social media platform. If you’re a professional looking to build a personal brand or branch out as a thought leader in your niche, then LinkedIn represents serious opportunity. Being a thought leader…

Rebekah Radice

10 Social Media Strategy Ideas that Generate Results

The competition for attention is fierce! No matter where you look – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus — standing out isn’t easy. But, did you know that 97% of consumers say they now turn to the Internet before making contact with a business? That makes differentiation more important than ever before. As a small business owner or entrepreneur,…

Anastasia Ashman

The Great Big Social Networking Experiment

You’re building a global network. Today, we all are. Most of us have never built a global network before. We’ve never had the vast capability that we now have thanks to social technologies. No wonder we don’t know what we’re doing. It’s all an experiment. Trial — and error. And the stakes are getting higher every…