Bad News? How Do You Inform Your Customer?

Nobody wants to disappoint others. Nevertheless, there may be some situations where you know you do it because something unexpected happened. That’s the moment of truth since how you inform your customer can make or break the experience. Here’s a vivid example to inspire you.
How To Create Visual Content That Builds Empathy With Your Brand

“Good politics starts with empathy, proceeds to analysis, then sets out values and establishes the vision, before getting to the nitty-gritty of policy solutions.” ~David Miliband via It’s the same for business… It all starts with building empathy, or in other words, understanding and compassion. And that, in turn, starts with building common ties…
How To Use Empathy In Social Customer Service

Convincing a reluctant prospect to become your customer or an existing one to remain is not that easy; if you want to have chances to be successful, you have to provide them with great reasons. Actually you need to spur their emotional side with one of the most powerful triggers in customer service — empathy. Every…