
Jan Gordon

Curatti Best Articles of 2017 – Part Two

Curatti Thank You 2017

4 years and going strong! And we couldn’t have done it without our readers, our contributors and our good friends. As with any website, you will see our evolution if you go to earlier posts. No doubt, this will continue into 2018. The last year has seen a site redesign. The most obvious changes that…

Simon Walker

6 Tips to Consider When Updating Your eCommerce Website

Things to Consider When Updating Your eCommerce Website

Let’s face it guys; the internet world is totally unpredictable. It seems like there are changes every day. New features are being introduced at incredible speed, helping the web to stay relevant and inspiring. And the competition is insane! If a website fails to “Adapt, Improvise and Overcome” the changing dynamics, it will inevitably and…

Victoria Greene

How Valuable Is Your Website and Why Do You Need To Know?

How Valuable Is Your Website?

Being able to determine a website’s value is extremely useful, particularly if you are weighing up the earning potential of a planned purchase, or exploring the viability of an industry you are considering breaking into. However, when it comes to the value of your own website, it might feel like, beyond simple curiosity, there is…

Jenn Herman

Why More In-App Integration in Social Media is Inevitable

In-App Integration

Have you heard of in-app integration? Chances are you’ve already seen it in action. And it is quite certain that the trend towards it will grow at pace. Jenn Herman explains what in-app integration is, and explains the inevitability of its growth, in another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. The…

Masroor Ahmed

4 Steps To Writing Effective Abandoned Cart Emails

Effective Abandoned Cart Emails

As the eCommerce industry is growing exponentially and evolving rapidly through latest technology advancements, there remains a constant pain point – Shopping cart abandonment. Shopping cart abandonment is a term used where shoppers fill their cart but fail to checkout. Econsultancy studies reveal that online retailers are globally losing US$3 trillion in sales each year…

Simon Walker

Understanding Web Accessibility & Why It Is Important

Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is the need of the hour. I realized something a few weeks back when I went to a nearby ATM for cash withdrawal. I noticed that the machine had specific buttons embossed with dots written in Braille that could be read by a visually challenged person. This feature has been made compulsory by…

Asad Ali

The Importance of Visual Search In Your eCommerce Website

Visual Search

It’s a fact that our brains process visual images faster than textual information. This carries forward into Internet consumption, with users preferring to see content rather than read it. Fuad Ahmed, a web developer and designer, emphasizes the importance of visuals. He states that many surveys and studies prove that visual content is more intriguing…

Brian Zeng

4 Tips for a Successful B2B Mobile Marketing Campaign

B2B Mobile Marketing

We all know how B2C companies have benefited from mobile marketing. You will hardly find anyone who hasn’t used the Amazon app for shopping, or Yelp for checking restaurant reviews. In fact, more than 50 percent of searches (worldwide) are now performed via mobile devices, according to Google. But does mobile marketing affect B2B businesses…

Helen Miller

10 Proven eCommerce Web Design Hacks to Get More Sales

eCommerce Web Design

As an owner of an eCommerce site, your biggest goal is attracting more clients to your web resources, thus generating more sales. But how can one motivate a web user for a purchase? What are the secret tricks that one needs to take into account when working on the optimization and design of an eCommerce…

Wade Harman

The Devastating Cost Of Poor Website Performance

Poor Website Performance

This article from Wade Harman looks at the effects that poor website performance may have on your company’s bottom line. It’s certainly cautionary reading, and is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Poor Website Performance Has A Cost! In the past few years, consumer trends have shifted in favor of online…

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