
Bryan Kramer

Why Digital Transformation Needs To Maintain A Human Touch

Digital Transformation Needs To Maintain A Human Touch

Digital Transformation continues to gain velocity. But even as technology takes over many tasks, it’s important that a Human touch is retained. This thought-provoking article by Bryan Kramer s another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Maintain A Human Touch in Digital Transformation A few years ago, experts were trumpeting that the future…

Greg Satell

No Innovation Strategy Fits Every Problem. So Get Creative!

Innovation Strategy

Trust Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) to once again get the mental juices flowing. Here, he discusses innovation strategy, using some great examples to prove that what works in one instance, will surely not work in another. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. No Innovation Strategy Fits Every Problem…

Greg Satell

Here’s Why Your Innovation Strategy Will Probably Fail

Innovation Strategy

In this article, Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) discusses why so many innovation strategies fail. Even those that have previously excelled, will sooner or later encounter problems. Want to know why? Read on! This is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Why Your Innovation Strategy Will Fail A decade ago, Apple…

John Jantsch

Disruption Is Here To Stay: Are You Nimble Enough?

Digital Disruption

Another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. In this article, John Jantsch reminds us that disruption is a fact of life we cannot ignore – either we preempt it or it makes us obsolete. Disruption Is a Fact Of Life In a few short years much of what you do, make, fix,…

Robert Caruso

The Current Trends in Digital Disruption

Few would argue that we are not living in a time where entire industries and massive brands are being heavily disrupted. When solutions to old ways of doing things are combined with technology that facilitates innovative new ways of looking at and dealing with those problems, we tend to see market and digital disruption on…

Jan Gordon

The Importance of Turning Your Brand Into A Movement

By Greg Satell Digital technology has changed marketing to such an extent that most brands still struggle to adapt.  What once was a massive land war in which the biggest army had a distinct advantage, has become more like a guerrilla insurgency.  To win now, you have to own the villages. Pepsi was one of…

Andy Capaloff

Invention v. Reinvention In The Age of Disruption

Human history is littered with examples of how rebuilding is so much swifter and more complete if whatever preceded it was wiped out.  Of course, that has typically come after something very bad has happened. Many people embark on their entrepreneurial career after something as major yet of course on a far smaller scale. It…