AI and Content Marketing: How Machine Learning Is Impacting SEO

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have become very prominent as a subject of discussion in tech circles. Their popularity has to do with the fantastic application potential these two technologies have for various industries, businesses, and even civic services. Google and other search engines already use machine learning and AI to formulate their search…
The Power of AI Tools in Customer Service

As counterproductive as it may seem, machine-led Artificial Intelligence tools are playing a central role in driving emotion-centric customer service operations. Don’t believe us? Consider the following hard-facts for a second: As per research, “42% of customers want to communicate with companies via live chat for customer service.” Plus, “By 2021, more than 50% of…
Here’s How To Find The Story In Your Data

This is the introduction to what will be a sporadic series on Data Story in Social Media. Over time, individual aspects will be delved into in greater detail. When discussing anything about Data Story, it’s important to start from the very beginning. Telling stories through Data can mean different things to different people. This…