Recapping 2015: The Year in Technology, Business, and Media

With the New Year just about upon us, this is a time as good as any to review the past year. It’s also worth noting that with the turning of the calendar, we’ll be in the second half of the second decade of the 21st century. Without a doubt, time and technology are turning faster…
Who Controls Your Narrative?

Who controls your narrative? Odd question to ask a business, I agree. Yet most business owners would say that either they or their CEO is the voice of their company. It is true that up to 10 years ago, business owners controlled their own story. They controlled the image of their business and could…
5 Ways Social Media Marketing Is Changing Before Our Eyes

Okay, I’ll say it. This is going to be a controversial post. I’m going to cover some stuff that some of you will disagree with. But that’s alright. In fact, that’s what I’m hoping will happen. You see, as marketers, we’re at our finest when we’re challenging the status quo. If we’re just going with the flow,…
Social Platforms Move at Warp Speed – How to Get Heard

By Lee Traupel No business can grow in today’s always on Digital Eco System unless you are a social platform competent brand. Marshall McCluhan was prescient beyond his years when he published: “Understanding Media: The Extension of Man.” Platform and message are symbiotic. Your brand story has to be optimized for each platform, with visuals…
Sales Pitches Don’t Sell

Sales pitches don’t sell, but authenticity, leadership and service do. How you create that shift within your business and your mind will determine the results you experience in the coming years. The internet and the world of social selling have changed the face of what “selling” looks like, most likely forever. Selling might well be…
What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Millennials

By Michael Brito It was just a matter of time before millennials entered the workforce, got promoted up the ranks and started becoming influential in the B2B marketing space. Just last week, Google and Millward Brown released a study that evaluated the state of B2B marketing. Approximately 3,000 B2B researchers were surveyed about their research…
Obstacles to Avoid if You Want to Grow Your Business

Growing pains in a new small business are to be expected; and, can seem like a never-ending process. Or, maybe your business isn’t new, but you’ve lost that loving feeling for your business. The passion which propelled you to start your business in the first place can quickly become squelched by over extending your resources…
Branded Logos that Work

A logo sends a message and it says far more about your business than you might realize. It’s more than some pretty colors and fonts. Perhaps you are creating your first logo and don’t know where to start? Or, maybe you are ready for a design makeover to improve your business branding. Either way, a…
Social Media is Good for Business – Here’s Why

I was doing a talk recently on the correlations between Facebook likes and personality traits when someone put their hand up and said: ‘so what?’ What does this mean – what does it matter to the average business that Facebook likes can indicate a person’s personality? It got me thinking about how to better communicate…
Generation C: Four Generations Converge In The Workplace

Over the next five years, the new generation, Gen Z (1994-2010), will escalate its immersion into the labor market, which for the first time, will include large numbers from four generations. Might there be a clash of generations, or on the contrary, will this merger result in a social transformation of work environments? Hopefully the…
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