Storytelling Quotes from Great Writers [Infographic]

A very rare move by us – A Saturday post. Just a brief editorial lead but no curation at all.
For some light, non-businessy reading, we’d like to present this lovely infographic by, of a great storytelling quote from each of 15 famous writers! Enjoy!
Storytelling Quotes from Great Writers
A special thank you to Lucy Adams for bringing this infographic to our attention. Here are a few of her words on the inspiration for this infographic:
In the modern information society, the role of books changes, especially considering the increasing the speed of social and economic processes. In addition to the printed word, we use the new information and telecommunication technologies. Smartphones, tablets, e-books – all these and much more trendy tools greatly simplify reading and bring it to the new level. Some experts believe that the book is competing and even conflicting with the latest electronic media, while others argue that these carriers of knowledge coexist peacefully. Some researchers contrasted traditional books to electronic ones while others compare them.
However, nothing can replace the genius of a writer. No matter who you are and what you do – you might be familiar with such names as Rudyard Kipling, Leo Tolstoy, Alan Moore, etc. They all changed the world and left a great legacy, including witty quotes that many of their fans recall in different life situations.
Infographic creator/Author bio:
Lucy Adam is a freelancer, content creator and blogger who currently works with, guiding students in creating advanced academic assignments. She has also authored several valuable books.