Getting Your Content Noticed By The Sophisticated Consumer

In the modern digital age, it has become significantly more difficult and challenging to capture consumer attention. Each consumer absorbs in the vicinity of 1,500 different marketing messages on daily basis. That’s a staggering number, and it is no wonder that we tend to respond to 1%-2% of those at most. This is a clear indication of how strategic and focused brands need to be in order to capture the attention of their target audience. Fair warning though: reaching the sophisticated consumer is about to become harder still.
The modern consumer is far more tech savvy and intelligent than ever before. This is mainly due to the technology evolution, which includes smartphones, tablets and wearables. A little thing called Google revolutionized the way we search for information. Consumers quickly adapted towards this technology trend and discovered how powerful search and web can be for them. In some respects, there is also a logical explanation here that pinpoints to sophistication of today’s consumer. New and emerging technology has allowed the consumer to embrace connectivity and community engagement.
The emergence and widespread acceptance of smartphones has allowed today’s consumer the ability to make decisions on the fly. This includes the ability to show interest in your specific product or services. Engaging with them on a emotional level seems to be a continuous struggle that many brands are attempting to rectify. Feel free to peruse a recent viral article I wrote on The Emotional Era. I was thrilled and blown away by the level of social interaction it received.
As a strategic brand, I am led to believe that one must adhere to the following methodologies. Consider adapting your content marketing endeavors towards these areas. This can help you improve engagement, prospecting, lead nurturing, lead generation and community cultivation.
Less Fluff, More Substance
Today’s sophisticated consumer is capable of pinpointing fluff from a mile away. This is mainly due to the availability of search and social media platforms that allow each consumer to investigate on their own. It is highly probable that prior to arriving on your website or blog, consumers will have already performed some form of comparison shopping. Unless you are early in their discovery process, they will have already performed a close evaluation of their available choices by the time they discover you. And if you are discovered earlier in their search process, it is really important that what they discover on your site leaves a lasting impression.
Different independent studies have shown that each consumer will absorb content through multiple channels prior to decision making. These include:
- Search on Desktop
- Search on Mobile
- Browsing and interacting on social media through Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other top platforms
So, in essence before they even arrive to your site, there has been enough content consumption to provide each consumer brief insight into the products or services that you offer. This is a form of pre-qualification, and is actually quite advantageous to your brand. Having said that, it is imperative to ensure that your content has good substance.
Consider These Factors
Here are some of the more substantial factors you should consider for your static and dynamic content:
- Does your content flow in a logical fashion?
- Is your content organized and well structured for a seamless flow?
- Are the titles of each article/post compelling and interesting enough to the reader?
- Have you emphasized your important points/stats/ideas in bold to catch your readers’ attention?
- What is the competitive advantage that you offer through your content?
- Can the average user easily pinpoint the added value proposition that you offer?
In the grand scheme of things, content should be enticing, informative and engaging. It can take a significant amount of effort and critical thinking to persuade an intelligent consumer.
To Reach The Sophisticated Consumer, Define Your Unique Approach
The modern sophisticated consumer seeks differentiation of approach amongst the businesses they consider. Your content should guide them through a journey of potential expectations. For instance, if you offer digital marketing services, create compelling expectations by spelling out the unique tactical approach you take. Be as informative as possible, while demonstrating what makes your business the right choice.
As I mentioned earlier, the average consumer will investigate online prior to arrival on your website. When they do, it’s important to sway them with your unique approach. Explain to them how your brand/company differentiates itself from the competition. Be more specific about the methodologies and tactics that you employ when working with your customers.
Creating a visual perception of a unique business approach through content can be extremely difficult. Your choice of wording will be of utmost importance in the way you guide your audience through a visual journey. It’s important that you do not forget any of the key elements that separate you from the closest competition.
Demonstrate Your Uniqueness
Here are some tips on how you can specifically outline what makes your business unique:
- Expound upon your experience. I can’t stress how important it is that you clearly establish expertise in your niche.
- Ensure that there is a human interaction through companionship of your potential customers. Let your audience know what your methodologies are and how you go about them.
- Demonstrate examples of scenarios that might be beneficial to your buyer personas. Think of who might want to do business with you and aim your content to them more specifically.
- Display a sign of competitive advantage. Is there something in specific that you offer that your closest competition may not?
Defining your unique approach in your content to potential buyers is critical. It is no easy task, given the sea of competition you are most likely faced with. Think long and hard what your unique approach might be and attempt to convey it in your content. Particularly on the product/service, About and Home pages of your website.
Enticing Value Proposition
Every piece of content you produce has to offer some form of value. Think of it as a need or want that you can satisfy in the eyes of the consumer. It can be as simple as giving them a tutorial on something. Perhaps providing insight by complimenting. Maybe an exclusive giveaway, such as a free download, book or e-book. Enticing the consumer is key in ensuring your content achieves a level of permanency.
It’s no secret that the content arena is already saturated. This is precisely why it’s imperative to produce high quality, informational, insightful and authoritative content. Consumers are a lot more intelligent today and capable of finding the best sources of high quality information. Your task, which you need to give great thought to, is to show the sophisticated consumer within your niche, why you can be of more help to them than any of your competition.
This article was previously titled “Writing Content for the Age of Sophisticated Consumer” and published on It is republished and minimally repurposed here, with permission.
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