Post: How To Use Hootsuite For Intense Influencer Marketing

We’ve talked about Influencer Marketing before, and how important it is to develop relationships with other professionals and brands in your niche. So I’m going to assume you’re familiar with the concept and we’re going to focus today specifically on the various ways you can use Hootsuite to further your relationships with influencers. (Most of…
Post: How To Build A Large, Engaged Twitter Following

….Or, How I Grew My Twitter Following By 53% In 90 Days “If I told you that my global audience has shot up 100% in the last six months, what would you say? If you were to say, “So you went from one reader to two readers?” you’d be absolutely correct. And after I had…
Post: Why You Should Use Forward Links

For•ward•link•ing – v. the act of inserting links to newer posts into older posts. Ok, full disclosure time… that’s not a real word. I made it up. But, bear with me… it’s worth learning about just the same! Conceptually, it’s quite simple, and based on the ideas of Backlinking and Deep Linking. Backlinks are when…
Post: Using LinkedIn to Become a Networking Superstar

As the Internet buzzes with social media activity, knowing where to network can be a challenge. While LinkedIn is still viewed by many as an online resume (huge mistake btw!) – it lives at the top of my list for professional networking. Not spending any time on LinkedIn? Let me tell you why you should. LinkedIn operates the world’s…
Post: Here’s How Bloggers Can Leverage Instagram

By Mike Allton Instagram is one of the relatively new ‘visual’ platforms that, for those focusing on the written word, is a bit challenging to make headway on. We don’t have gorgeous products or interesting scenery… we have blog posts, right? But Instagram, like every other social network, has potential for those bloggers who will…
Post: What’s Really Going On With Google+?

By Mike Allton Perhaps you’ve seen the news, perhaps you haven’t, but once again, Google has made some decisions and course-corrections with Google+ that have caused a bit of a ruckus. Naysayers are naysaying again, and fanboys are getting as desperate as the Cubs to spin a win out of things. So what’s really going…
Post: Your Essential Cheat Sheet for Social Media Image Sizes

Every so often, popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus change the format, layout, and style of their networks. Just when you feel comfortable with the most recent updates, along comes a whole new round. One area that continues to evolve is social media images. From cover photos to the exact right dimensions for posts,…
Post: How To Use Canva To Create Your Own Infograph

By Mike Allton Have you ever tried to create an infograph? I’m sure you’ve seen many in the wild, amazingly and dynamically delivering statistics and information… and getting incredible amounts of social signals from an increasingly visual online landscape. But if you’re like me, lacking the ability to so much as draw a circle in…
Post: Followers: Quality Trumps Quantity. Here’s Why

By Mike Allton There’s a grand misconception among business owners and social media users that follower counts are extremely important. Too much talk and emphasis is placed on how so-and-so has one million followers. The reality is that after a point, none of that matters. It’s true that a new business Twitter account that has…
Post: 3 Ways To Attract More Leads With Magnetic Content Marketing

In the new age of video and mobile search, magnetic content has become an indispensable part of becoming a successful brand online. The more original and helpful your content is, the more people will dive into it and share it with others. We no longer live in an age where boring sales articles attract readers.…
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