Articles by

Michael Brenner

7 Ways To Build Trust with Your Content Marketing

Build Trust

Trust! No business can get off the ground without it anymore. Lose it, and you’re done for! In this article, Michael Brenner offers 7 tips to help you build trust with your content marketing. This is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Build Trust with Your Content Marketing Trust is the…

Michael Brenner

4 Big Reasons Your Email Campaigns Continue to Fail

email campaigns

In this article, Michael Brenner discusses 4 leading reasons that your email campaigns are not having the desired results. And he suggests the old reliable remedy – but you’ll have to read the article to find out what it is! This is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Email: The Most…

Michael Brenner

Busting 9 Digital Marketing Myths

Digital Marketing Myths

In this article, Michael Brenner looks at and busts 9 of the more common digital marketing myths. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Busting Some Digital Marketing Myths We all lie to ourselves in one way or another. And this is certainly true in Digital Marketing. Fortunately, we are…

Michael Brenner

How To Solve Marketing ROI Challenges

Marketing ROI Challenges

In this article, Michael Brenner discusses how to solve Marketing ROI challenges. He includes 8 steps towards Marketing ROI and other great advice. It is a must-read for anyone starting out, anyone not yet getting to grips with ROI or anyone who could do with improving theirs. Basically, that’s everyone then! It is another in…

Michael Brenner

4 Ways to Improve Your Brand Likeability

Brand likeability

In this article, Michael Brenner discusses 4 ways to improve brand likeability. These include such simple suggestions as “be Human” and “talk to your customers”. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Brand Likeability You know ‘that guy’? The one that everyone likes? He’s always fun to be around but…

Michael Brenner

5 Key Tips On Setting Up Your Content Marketing Hub

Content Marketing Hub

Another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Michael Brenner reminds us that for all of it’s undoubted importance in any marketing strategy, Social Media IS NOT a Content Marketing hub. He then provides 5 actionable tips on how to create a vibrant hub First: Some Social Media Survey Results According to the…

Michael Brenner

10 Great Tools To Boost Your Content Marketing

Content Marketing Tools

Another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Michael Brenner presents a list of 10 great tools – some you will know and some you may not – to help with every aspect of your content marketing. Content Marketing Tools Are you looking for some tools that can take your social media engagement…

Michael Brenner

This Digital Divide Is Leaving Many Companies Behind

Digital Divide

What digital divide? Amongst the world’s most innovative nations, the United States is globally known for its cutting-edge digital capabilities. Yet according to a McKinsey report from earlier this year, the U.S. economy is realizing only 18% of its digital potential. The productivity gains digital technologies should be enabling are not being seen in the…

Michael Brenner

10 Guaranteed Ways To Increase Your Content Shares

Ever wonder why some people’s content goes viral and gets tons of social shares? Is there some content marketing secret sauce you don’t know about? To try to answer this million-dollar question, for a period of eight months BuzzSumo analyzed over 100 million articles, and this is what they found out. Obviously the prerequisite to…

Michael Brenner

How To Convey Purpose Through Brand Storytelling

Today’s consumers aren’t just passively buying from brands. They view their purchases as extensions of their identity and values. What this means for marketers is that effective marketing can’t just be about promoting a product for its sole use or benefits anymore. Successful marketing needs to be able to create a purpose, a community and…

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