Big Data + Bad Analysis = Big Bust
Big Data, Big Hype? In the article ‘Big Data, Big Hype?’, for Wired Magazine, Stephen Dodson of Prelert lists several articles that question Big Data, including: “Big Data: Are We Making A Big Mistake?” (Financial Times, March 28, 2014) “Eight (No Nine!) Problems With Big Data” (The New York Times, April 6, 2014) “Growing Doubts…
Why Big Data Needs Big Collaboration
Yesterday’s Wisdom Applies As Much As Ever Today “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created” Albert Einstein “Judge a man by his Questions rather than his Answers” Voltaire Data, Analysis and Questions The dictionary definitions of Data, Analysis and Questions show the clearest of synergies. Indeed, the first…
Why Small Brands Need Big Data
For Business Big And Small, Big Data Is A Big Deal Did you know that 90% of the world’s data was generated in the past 2 years? Moreover, every minute on the internet there are more than 2,000,000 Google searches, 685,000 Facebook updates, 200 million sent emails and 48 hours worth of video uploaded to…
How Do We Find Our Way Out Of The Content Echo Chamber?
In his article, Focus On Your Audience More Than Your Peers, Daniel Newman of Millennial CEO nails a point I have tried to make more than once about the bubble so many content marketers are building around themselves. It’s actually more of a two-way mirror: here we are, in this space with others writing the…
Why We Need To Expand The Big Data Questions Gene Pool
In the September 2013 article “What Businesses Need to Understand About Big (and Small) Data”, for ArCompany, Danny Brown invokes Maslow’s Hammer: “If you have a hammer in hand, you eventually start to see a nail.” Abraham Maslow’s actual quote is perhaps even more telling than the statement now attributed to him: “I suppose it…
The Marketer’s Cocktail: Blending Psychology with Big Data
Is Big Data Really the Be All and End All? This was a banner week for great Data related content, but arguably the best article of the week was nothing to do with Data at all! Entitled “The Science of Emotion in Marketing: How Our Brains Decide What to Share and Whom to Trust”, and…
Here are Questions to Broaden the Data Analytics Discussion
In my article originally titled “To Break free of the Silo, look outside of it”, I ended by saying: ”Context broadens the audience but questions from outsiders broaden the discussion.” This is the first post in a series intended to do just that, where I will pick a subject and ask what I hope are…
Demystifying the Data Dilemma
Every sci-fi nut/Douglas Adams fan knows that the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42. Adams, it turns out, could have been predicting our Big Data problems when he pointed out that the reason for the unexpected answer was that the question was flawed. In his model, the super computer Deep Thought would…
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