5 Reasons Why Blog Content Should be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

You know this by now, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again – content is the most important part of your digital marketing strategy. We’ll tell you why in a minute. It’s true that the hype has recently shifted from text-based content to video. However, it doesn’t mean you should second-guess the relevance of the written word for your business or question your content marketing strategy, altogether.
Text-based blog Content is still an integral part of successful business, and here are just a few reasons why you should make it a part of your marketing strategy.
#1: People Trust Blogs
Your blog is the perfect way to communicate your thoughts with your audience (i.e., show the human side of your business), and help people understand what your brand stands for. A blog lets you:
- Explore your audience’s issues and concerns
- Increase your brand’s likeability with the audience
- Stand out from the competition
- Be creative in sharing your thoughts, ideas and professional opinions on a variety of topics
#2: Blogging Drives Traffic to Your Website
Your business blog is a growing, always-evolving collection of articles and keywords, as well as other elements crucial for proper positioning of your brand. With quality search engine optimization (SEO) that matches your campaign demands, your business can skyrocket!
When your blog gets on the good side of Google, i.e., when you manage to position your blog high enough on SERPs to be noticed, you become a source that other businesses use to reference and learn from. The SEO industry feeds on words, and your blog is where the words live. Use this to your benefit.
#3: Blogging Encourages Inbound Links
Research shows that companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website than those who don’t blog! Now, why would you ignore this benefit of content marketing? Quite simply, you shouldn’t!
Why do inbound links matter? They give a pulse to your website. And with high-quality backlinks, it helps your site rank higher in search engine results. And, how do you get inbound links? It is achieved through the blogging of useful and relevant topics that your target-audience appreciates.
#4: Blogging Is Essential for a Successful Social Media Presence
Blogging and social media posting used to be two sides of the same coin:
- Blogging for communicating serious, long-term content
- Social media for less serious stuff
Clearly, this changed some while back. It has long-since felt like social media and blogging are the same side of the same coin!
Intertwined and mutually dependent, social media posts promote your blog and use its content for self-advertising. that would still lead to your page and your blog. It helps with increasing your following and enriching your audience’s experience. And it drives high-quality engagement with your audience.
#5: Blogging Beats Advertising
Your blog is the most robust influencer your business will ever have. It functions as a well-paid, personalized advertising expert. Better! It brings you superior results at affordable prices.
Usually, customers go straight to a company’s blog to see what they are about and figure out whether it’s the right company for their needs. In terms of trust building, it’s the opposite of banner ads, which most people loathe.
In Closing
From a consumer’s perspective, the digital age is all about turning to great content as a means for gaining valuable information. If your business is not providing it, those consumers will look elsewhere (and you will lose potential business).
If for any reason, you’re simply unable to maintain a vibrant, informative blog, you’re far from alone. Content creation is one of the most outsourced backbones of any business. And help is out there!
Contact Curatti for the best possible results – you’ll get a team of experts to work with, and get the best bang for your buck.
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Jan Gordon
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