Content Curation – 5 Tips From Great Content Curators

In an increasingly noisy world of content creation or “inbound marketing” content without curation is a rabble, a jumble of impossible to decipher DATA. Examples of content curation are easy to find: Navigation on any website. Finding related images. Adding related links and perspective from gurus and thought leaders. Responding to comments. Sharing content on…
Startup Trends 2014 II

Note No sooner than I finished this post than my friend Evan Sanchez Tweeted that Google purchased for $3.2B. If that doesn’t make you want to fire up a startup I don’t know what will. Amazing and is covered in our Distributed Home section below. In Startup Trends 2014 I covered five macro…
Startup Trends 2014

Startup Trends in 2014 is a wide ocean of a topic (lol). Swimming around trying not be swept away I found a great macro trend report from Fjord. Fjord is owned by Accenture (so BIG) and they’ve taken a hip Forrester-like approach to the creation of an excellent and free annual trends report Before diving…
Internet Marketing 2014 Trends Mashup

Can marketing change more or faster? Most Internet marketers would answer a firm NO. The minute we offer a firm anything today’s pace makes yesterday’s feel slow. The web only knows one time – NOW. Internet marketing only operates at one speed – FASTER. Inside of those two firm truths this is enough play to…
Use A ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ To Soar in 2014

Cirque du Soleil redefined “circus” creating a “blue ocean” where their value proposition could stand alone. Before Cirque du Soleil “circus” meant animals, brave performers and a nomadic tribe. Cirque du Soleil shifted circus to mean: Acrobats and choreography. Lavish sets and music. Thrilling stunts. Current cultural branding (Beatles Love, Michael Jackson). Massive product development…
Powerful SEO For Content Marketers: 5 Quick Tips
Content Creation and Curation This post helps content marketers avoid falling into sometimes well hidden SEO bear traps. Â Â Â Â 5 Quick SEO Tips For Content Marketers Duplicate Content The Right Way. Create SAFE Content Curation. Little Things Matter. Keywords Are Friends. It’s A SoLoMo World Duplicate Content The Right Way Every website needs to duplicate some…
Is Ecommerce Stuck In The Mud?
Is E-commerce Stuck In The Mud? After our first Holiday Ecommies Review of 30+ top online retailers (@Ecommies is a new ecommerce ratings, review and award site coming soon). It’s clear e-retailers are stuck in the mud. Holiday 2013 merchandising was flat, uninspired and not original or festive. and Williams-Sonoma created Holiday 2013 bright…
Websites vs. Blogs – Which One is Better and Why?
Websites and Blogs Are Different What is the difference between a blog and a website? “Blog” and “website” are sometimes used interchangeably. They are not, but we wouldn’t be as static in our definition as the “Apples” vs. “Oranges” image above. Blogs and websites have important roles to play in successful content and social marketing.…
How to Leverage the Social Mobile Marketing Paradox

Marketing Paradox Today’s good news, thanks to social, mobile and content marketing, is every brand, company and personal brand has exponentially more touch points. The bad news is every company, brand and personal brand has exponentially more touch points. Gatekeepers ruled the world. New York Times editors decided what we read. CBS, NBC and ABC…
Why Content Curation Is Disruptive

What Is Content Curation Curation is an active filtering of the web’s infinite content and it may be the most disruptive Internet marketing tactic. Curators do more than simply assign meta value via categorization. Great curators comment and share experience across content, authors and themes. Great curators such as Robin Good or our host Jan…
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