Customer Loyalty – 5 Ways SoLoMo Disrupts Loyalty

World Is Upside Down The world is upside down and SoLoMo is to blame. SoLoMo stands for Social, Local and Mobile and the combination of these power trends is leveling the karma of many traditional brands. This Curatti post examines 5 Ways SoLoMo disrupts customer loyalty for car makers and dealers. Least you think its…
5 New Money Rules: Making Money In A Thank You Economy

Everyone has the same problem – New Money’s CATCH-22: You need a scaled network to charge for content. You can’t scale a network without money. New Money’s CATCH-22 When Gary Vaynerchuk created his wine videos they went viral creating a lifting tide that became The Thank You Economy. Share, Vaynerchuk’s book The Thank You Economy…
8 Visual Marketing Lessons from Vogue

We Are All Visual Marketers Now The meat of this Wikipedia visual marketing definition is “relationship between an object, the context it is placed in and its relevant image”: As digital marketers and storytellers we use images to seduce, cajole and support. Fashion and design provide great examples of visual marketing… but these days we…
Red Bull’s Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now

BANG Branding Changed Figuring out why branding changed is moot. Understanding HOW branding has changed is important. Brands used to create aspirations for customers as this 1958 Tide commercial demonstrates: Flash forward to this video from Red Bull TV: What happened? A: The web, Smart Phones, We Changed, Branding Changed. There isn’t ONE thing moving…
Mint Social Currency: 3 Insider Tips

Why Contagious? You could read Jonah Berger’s Contagious: Why Things Catch On as an update to Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference, but I wouldn’t (lol).  Berger’s assertion that Gladwell is mostly wrong seems moot. The Tipping Point is philosophy. Berger’s book is ditch digging psychology based on his…
5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing

Content Marketing In Chaos The good news is everyone believes in content marketing. Bad news is everyone believes in content marketing. Bad news because when marketers pile on quality goes down, noise goes up and getting your message heard is harder. If you are a late convert to content marketing you may be able to…
Content Marketing’s Magic Beans: 4 Sharing Tips

Share To Create Authority The tectonic shifts created by our evolving social web of expanding connection means rethinking “Internet marketing”. Today’s web requires an ever expanding tribe of brand advocates, supporters and contributors. Gaining advocates means touching HEARTS and winning Minds. Today’s Curatti post is about the Content Marketing’s Magic Beans: 4 Sharing Tips. Creating…
Internet Marketing’s 3Cs: Content, Community, Conversion

Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do Imagine the hardest thing you’ve ever done. Riding a bicycle across America in the summer of 2010 was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Martin’s Ride To Cure Cancer raised almost $30,000 for cancer research, was an amazing adventure and one of if not THE hardest thing I’ve attempted.…
5 New SEO Secrets that Will Shift Your Business into High Gear

The new SEO with its insistence on great content, social shares, links and likes spins different than the old “optimize everything” and “buy what you can” SEO (see New Vs. Old SEO Table at end of this post). This post shares 5 New SEO Secrets you can use to recover lost traffic and revenue…
Why There Is A Curatti In Your Future

. The Curatti Exception Last week several fascinating and important conversations about the future of Internet marketing, websites, truth, justice and the American way happened (linked below). Great thinkers like blogger Mark Schaefer,’s CEO Guillaume Decugis, Curatti’s founder Jan Gordon and others discussed “content shocks” and asked if content curation can save us. These…
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