Don’t Do These Things In Your Outreach Emails

I hope people who send outreach emails read this. If few people respond or the responses you get are rarely favourable, chances are you’re doing some of what is described below. But there are a couple of tips to help you out towards the end. If fellow blogmasters and blog editors read it, I feel…
Curatti Best Articles of 2020 (And Happy New Year 2021!)

2020 is finally over! How long did it last? Until now, every year of our lives went faster than any before it. Not this one! Goodbye annus horribilis! You’ll never be forgotten! A Quick Summary of 2020 Life changed. The end! Our 2020 Authors This year, we published over 130 articles, some written by old…
Data Redundancy: Why You Need An External Storage Device

Earlier this year, I wrote about the importance of Data Redundancy though extra backups – particularly if you work at home. By now, work solutions that had seemed temporary, are looking more like a new way of life. Indeed, for many, whether full-time or part-time, they actually are. So, when do you start thinking about…
Why Do Most Guest Blogger Outreach Emails Suck?

This will be a bit of a rant. But hopefully, a couple of people will learn a thing or two. If that happens, my fellow blog masters and I will be very happy. To put it mildly, most guest blogger outreach emails suck. I don’t know who puts out the advice that people are taking,…
Have You Switched To DuckDuckGo? Here’s Why You Should Consider It

Google is such an ingrained part of our lives, it wouldn’t even cross the minds of most of us to stop using it. I know I resisted! But I hope this article at least gives you food for thought that maybe its time to change. My recommendation is DuckDuckGo. As concisely as I can, I…
The Best Curation Is Finding Common Threads in Seemingly Disparate Subjects

Curation is the way many people get into Content Writing. Rather than writing their own articles, they start by pulling gems from articles written by others. It worked for Jan Gordon, the CEO founder. And it worked for me. But before I really got into writing my own content, I wanted more from curation. I…
Chickens, Eggs, and Business: What Comes First? 20 (Or So) Questions

Editor’s note: This post is not only aimed at those starting out in business. Slightly modified versions of these questions are relevant for those seeking to make new offerings or take their existing business in a new direction. I admit to never quite seeing the conundrum in the chicken and egg question. I believe in…
When It Comes To Writing Content, Keep It Simple, Stupid!

The KISS theory really needs to be applied to more things in life. And one of the areas it needs to be kept steadfastly to, is content writing. “Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.” —Woody Guthrie First, Know Your Audience (KYA) I don’t suppose for one second…
Blogs, Freebies, and Paywalls: The Value Assignment Conundrum

I’m inspired. Sometimes, you need to look at what other people are saying in order to put your own thoughts into words. And so, I can hopefully now frame the great value assignment conundrum – at least to my own satisfaction. At what point does giving away too much for free diminish the perceived value…
Tips From a Scared Dumbass: You Too Can Upgrade Your WordPress Site: Part Two

Last week, I reported that I was trying to run some WordPress upgrades on Curatti. This is something I’d previously paid others to do for me. Click here to read part one. I’ll spell out how things went while reporting here that all turned out good in the end. Recap/Prep This is simple: Always create…
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