
7 Simple eCommerce SEO Tips To Help You Rank And Sell More

Getting eCommerce SEO right is a top priority for stores and businesses that want to rake in the sales.

But, the competition to rank on the first page of the SERPs is fiercer than ever. Just to put this in perspective, studies show that websites that appear on the first page of Google’s SERPs get about 75% of all traffic.

What does this all mean?

Simply put, it means web pages that rank on the first page of Google (or other search engines) get almost all the business. Yes, you can always boost your sales through Facebook ads, but for long term growth, nothing beats search engine optimization. And that’s where these eCommerce SEO tips come in to push you higher up the rankings.

Let’s dive in.

Ecommerce SEO – Lay the Right Foundation

If ever there’s crucial a question asked by many an online business owner, it’s:

How do I choose the right eCommerce platform?

Here are 3 foundational qualities you need to look for in a top e-commerce platform. The right platform positions you for rankings and sales.


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So how do you improve the chances of your eCommerce store making it to the top of the SERPs? Well, that’s what we’ll be looking at today.

Ecommerce SEO Tips – 7 Things to Help You Get to Page One

Ranking well on Google was easy a few years ago.

All you had to do was stuff some keywords into your content or buy a few dodgy links (which was and still is bad). However, Google’s algorithm is more advanced today and can easily spot websites that are trying to game the system.

So how do you win favor in Google’s eyes?

It’s pretty simple really although you need to invest a bit of time, money, and other resources to pull it off. As you embark on your SEO campaign, realize that Google values one thing:

Providing their users with exceptional value.

Let’s look at how you can achieve that.

1. Create an SEO Strategy

As said earlier, the competition to get to the top of the SERPs is fierce. With everyone racing to the top, you must play your cards well. You must develop a robust SEO strategy that will help you achieve the results you want.

eCommerce SEO starts with a plan that involves:

Document your SEO strategy as this will help you track what works and what doesn’t. Tweak it as needed to improve on it.

2. Craft SEO Optimized Product Descriptions

Contrary to popular belief, product descriptions aren’t just descriptions of your product. Your product descriptions are powerful tools that act as:

Don’t take your product descriptions lightly. They provide you a great opportunity to improve your store’s ranking on the SERPs.

3. Backlinks – Never Going Out of Fashion

One SEO tip that has been around for some time is link building. And that’s because it is one of the major ranking factors Google considers when ranking websites. That’s why building backlinks should be one of your cornerstone eCommerce SEO strategies. Backlinks are important for 3 main reasons:


You may also want to read: Why Backlinks May Hurt Your SEO & How to Boost Inbound Links

So how do you build backlinks?

One important aspect you need to consider before you even start your link building campaign is that you must build quality backlinks. These are backlinks from reputable websites. You also have to ensure that the links you’re building are from websites that are relevant. Irrelevant backlinks are, for example, backlinks from a vape store when your website majors in kids’ toys. 

With backlinks, quality trumps quantity any day. And here’s how to build those quality backlinks:

Besides building “tangible” backlinks you can also build “linkless backlinks”. Linkless backlinks are unlinked mentions of your brand online. Anytime people mention your brand online, Google notices. So, create (or do) something worth talking about.

4. E.A.T Your Way to the Top

Yes, you read that right.

You can E.A.T your way to the top of the SERPs. Actually, this is one method of ranking Google recommends highly.

And no, E.A.T has nothing to do with food.

It has everything to do with creating content that meets certain criteria Google uses to rank pages, though. And according to Google’s ranking guidelines, E.A.T stands for:

Meeting the E.A.T standards Google uses to evaluate web pages will drastically improve your chances of ranking high on SERPs. This is one WordPress SEO tip you definitely need to implement.

5. Optimize for Voice Search

The use of voice-activated devices has been steadily rising over the past few years. In fact, research shows that over one-third of Americans will be using voice assistants by the year 2021. To put that in perspective, check out the graph below that shows the number of digital voice assistants in use worldwide (from 2019 to 2023):


With more and more people opting to use voice queries instead of typing in their queries, it’s important that you optimize your content for voice search. How do you do that?

You can’t ignore voice search in your SEO strategy because voice search is here to stay.

6. Optimize Your Videos

Video has fast become the preferred content type.

Given a choice, most people will sooner click on a video in the search results than written content. Therefore, it’s important to include video in your eCommerce content strategy. Not only should you use video, but also optimize your video content for SEO. Here’s how you can do that:

According to a study, YouTube is twice as popular as Bing, making it one of the top search engines. Ignoring video search in your eCommerce SEO strategy is, therefore, sabotaging your own success.

7. Keep Site Navigation Simple

One of the biggest challenges eCommerce stores have is keeping their pages and navigation simple. This is especially true of those that have large product catalogs.

Site architecture plays a big role in the way search engines crawl websites. As a result, it also affects your ranking. So how can you ensure your site structure is clean and easy to crawl – for both search engines and users?

Simplifying your site architecture is crucial to boosting your eCommerce SEO. Make sure each page you add fits into your site structure well without complicating it.

Ecommerce SEO – Despite the Competition, Ranking High is Still Possible

Daunting as it may be, appearing on the first page of Google is doable. But you must:

Remember, ranking on Google’s front page (especially the first 3 spots) ensures you get the lion’s share of the traffic. And yes, online, more traffic means more revenue. 

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According to his cheeky wife, Qhubekani Nyathi aka The Click Guy is an irresistibly handsome guy. He’s an offbeat certified SEO Content Writer who helps SMBs grow their income through zingy long-form content that ranks, drives leads, and builds authority. He contributes to prestigious blogs like Search Engine Watch, Crazy Egg, Smart Blogger, Business 2 Community, Get Response, and more.