Ann Smarty
September 27, 2021

Why Start Your Small Business Social Media Marketing with a Blog

How to Start a Business Blog [Infographic]

Social media is an important medium that every small business should be embracing to help develop new business, understand what others are saying about them and/or their competitors, engage with and increase the loyalty of their customers and fans, and potentially even provide another avenue for customer support over social channels. 

There are many choices of sites in which companies can invest money and time in building a presence on, with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube being the most popular. 

At the end of the day, however, one of your primary objectives for your small business in engaging in social media marketing, especially from a business development perspective, should be to lead potential new customers back to your website. 

And for this reason, the best investment you can make in social media marketing is to first begin a corporate blog. The reasons are simple:

1) Gives your small business a social voice

What are you going to say on social media? While there are many ways to engage with others, having your own resourceful content is a great way to start, comment on, or join other conversations. 

This will naturally lead to not only more people engaging with you but also more website visitors engaging with your content.

2) Creates healthy habits that are vital to social media success

Sharing industry-related information on your blog will create new fans for your company and help you establish positioning as an expert in your field. 

It will also foster the development of a habit of creating content and sharing information that is vital for the success of your company’s social presence.

3) Easily integrates into a comprehensive social media strategy

It will generate the content on which you can base your social media strategy implementation on. 

All social strategies need to address this issue of content, so your blogging will make this section of your social media strategy that much easier to create.

4) Shareable content gets shared

If you’re looking to utilize the sometimes viral nature of social media to help spread the word about your company, conversations and quotes alone won’t do it. You need content, and it needs to be resourceful and shareable. 

Creating shareable content should be the job of a talented content manager if you have the budget.

5) The SEO of social media

Tweeting and sharing your blog content on various social networking sites will lead to an even greater SEO benefit through the fact that search engines are tracking social shares and beginning to reflect them in search results. 

It also naturally leads to others in social circles who want to link to your content for their own blog posts, which naturally creates the organic backlinks that are so critical to search engine optimization. After all, who wants to link to a company or product page? – unless they are your distributor, of course

Finally, blogging increases the amount of and frequency of revising content on your home page, providing you with even greater SEO benefits. This will all result in more visits to your website as your blog content gets indexed and analyzed by search engines over time.

Success in social media marketing can require a lot of time and patience. Don’t underestimate the hidden powers of business blogs.

Beginning your efforts by establishing a corporate blog will create a perfect launching pad for your social presence while attracting new visitors to the social side of your website. It is a sound tactic to begin your social marketing with. If you need help to get started, here’s a cool website name generator!

What has your small business blogging experience been like?

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Ann Smarty

Brand and Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas
Ann Smarty is the Community and Brand Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. She is also a host of two weekly Twitter chats (#VCBuzz on Tuesdays and #MYBlogU on Thursdays) and a regular speaker at the largest marketing conference Pubcon
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