
Victoria Greene

Why Personalization Is Something You Need To Be Hyped About

What do you see when you look at a mirror? If you’re a business leader, entrepreneur, or marketer, you should see an opportunity staring right back at you. Why? Because personalization offers you the opportunity to make your products and services super valuable to your customer community and create brand loyalty that goes above and…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Playing Serious Games For Business With Author Phaedra Boinodiris

Serious Games For Business book image on Curatti

“Gamification is every bit at important as social media,” IBM’s Serious Games Manager Phaedra Boinodiris said this morning at Triangle Startup Factory. “I worry about the Trough of Disillusionment because gamification is about more than badges,” Phaedra continued. The fear is gamification is over hyped. Hype creates the illusion of simplicity. When gamifying a business…