Does Your Web Presence Make You Stand Out?

Today, the internet is crowded with “authentic” and “original” individuals and brands. The word “authentic” has been used so much that it has become a cliché’. Everyone is striving to be original, different and “unique”. Everyone, or so it seems is using every tool and trick to be seen or heard.
So with everyone focused on the same thing, how do you stand out and showcase your “unique” so it catches the attention of your target audience?
1. What Does Your Web Presence Say About You?
When was the last time you took a good look at your blog or website? Does it give the impression you want to make to your target audience? Is your website just a template (WordPress) design out of the box or have you created a design that is you?
Your web presence is your home on the web, so is it attracting your audience, especially those who are lured to your website from your social platforms? Does the design of your web presence reflect your words and the way you want to present yourself or your company? Does the design, including the color palette and the graphics interface seamlessly with your message? Does your content align with your audience, letting them know what you do and your values?
Have you ever taken the time to read your website or look at your web presence from the point of view of your target client or customer? Is it the best representation of what you are about? Are you bored or intrigued by your story?
2. What Is Value Proposition That Sets Your Apart From Your Competition?
Every similar market or similar niche market has the same basic functions. However, what sets each one apart is their value proposition. Can you define yours? What is it that makes you different from your competition? Do you offer services or something of value that your competitor cannot offer? Prices, longer business hours and more, different product choices can always be replicated.
How can you be different in some way that your competition is unable to duplicate? We all have something that cannot be replicated by others; consider your talents, do a SWOT analysis and find that sweet spot. Find the ways to set you or your company apart from your competitors to put yourself ahead of the game.
3. How Do I Attract Attention Without Being A Distraction?
You want attention, but the right attention. For example social media can be valuable in getting attention, however you need to use the power of the social platforms carefully and with forethought.
Will using Social Media as a bullhorn be a distraction? Have you considered using the shotgun approach and be absolutely everywhere? Have you considered what will happen to your time management and focus if you do this? Will this be a distraction for you and your audience?
Will using Social Media to network, engage and build relationships attract attention, the right attention? Social media attention is built through relationships. It doesn’t happen overnight, it happens over time, and yes, it takes time. Are you willing to dedicate the time to build your social presence on those social platforms you have chosen to engage with your customers or potential customers? Have you also considered those social platforms, which are most time efficient for you and resonate with your personality? Have you considered gaining attention with your knowledge and expertise?
4. Can I Spot The Trends and Be A Trendsetter?
A great way to get noticed is if you have an eye for the “next big/best thing”. Are you able to be one of the first to see what’s happening in your market? Do you lead with the most helpful new information and leading edge news about your market? If you are early to the game and share valuable information, do people notice you and start watching you?
No matter if you are early spotting trends or at the cusp creating a trend yourself, this will get you noticed, written about and followed. It’s an excellent way for potential clients and customers to notice and contact you.
5. Am I’m recognized As A Problem Solver?
If you can position your message across many different social and traditional platforms; presenting content that solve issues rather than create problems, you will be sought out by people (clients and customers) to be their “go to” problem solving resource
What problems do people know you for solving? When people are seeking to solve their problems they look for those whom they can trust. The relationships you build through your engagement by being a resource with helpful information leads to getting recognized as a leader in your industry.
If you want to get noticed it starts with a careful assessment of how you are presenting yourself or your company online; but more important it is an assessment of how do others see you; through your website, your social presence engaging or blasting, as a trend spotter and trend setter or problem solver or as a trusted resource? Any and all of these will get you noticed!
This post written by Jennifer Olney was originally published on EQList and is republished with permission.
Jennifer Olney
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