Have a Product or Service that Targets Gen Z? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Reaching Them on Social Media

Marketers may have just gotten a handle on marketing to millennials, but now there’s a whole new generation to target. Gen Z, the “digital natives,” have serious purchasing power, so it’s crucial to get your marketing ready for them. Fortunately, we have plenty of tips and tricks to help you market your product or service…
6 Powerful Ways To Increase Your Social Media Sales

Looking for another way to boost your online sales? Find out how to increase social media sales to drive additional revenue to your business. Businesses experience up to a 57% increase in return on their advertising costs on social media. Also, according to Shopify, sales that are derived from Pinterest posts and ads have an…
Your Guide to Being a Social Media Rock Star (updated)

My first encounter with social media was a long time ago. My first account wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter…it was on Myspace, and this was long before it became a music platform. When Facebook first showed up on the scene I laughed. This site will never take off, I thought. Well, as you can plainly see,…