How To Incorporate Snackable Content In Your B2B Marketing Strategy

Marketers have always been looking for ways to capture the attention of their buyers and get new blog post ideas. The audience is narrow, defined and has very specific needs. As we all know, there is so much information around us that it’s becoming ever-harder to stand out among all our competitors and reach our prospects.…
6 Super Effective Ways to Boost your Mobile Conversion Rates

Certainly, anything to do with eCommerce is more likely to be relevant to retail sites. However, there are always lessons to be learned by B2B organizations. This article by Shane Barker looks at how to boost your mobile conversion rates for eCommerce. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series.…
How Will AI Ultimately Redefine Human Intelligence?

In this article, Shelly Kramer once again touches upon the subject of AI. This time, she asks how AI will ultimately affect Human intelligence. How’s that for a nice light read to start your week! It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. How Will AI Redefine Human Intelligence? Do you…
6 Proven Ways to Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

In 2015, Wired website published an article predicted that in less than two years, smartphones would overtake actions and operations previously done by computers. Today, this prediction, as well as other very similar from other expert portals, has almost completely come true. And although Mary Meeker’s (of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers) report for Internet…
Visual Marketing: Either You’re In or Your Brand Is Out!

In the faster than The Flash digital age, the future of marketing is visual. With the advent of social media, smartphones and use of visual content, marketing today is more dynamic and versatile than ever before, and still growing and evolving. A study from Wharton School of Business found that 67% of the audience (from Piktochart blog)…
The Changing Landscape of Social Media Usage

The 2016 Nielsen Report On Social Media Usage At the beginning of the year, the Dutch survey firm Nielsen published its annual Social Media Report on the use of Internet and social media. It reveals very interesting figures on user habits. Contrary to expectations, we learn that the biggest users are not the Millennials. Gen X’ers…