What Will Make You See You Need Social Media Today?

Editor’s Note: Our regular readers will, of course, be fully aware of why people need social media today. However, all will know a lot of hold outs. This article is for the people you know, who remain steadfastly against social media… Why You Need Social Media Today A few weeks ago, Debbie contacted me. She…
Generation C – Towards a New Baby Boom With Generation Z

According to the US Census Bureau, in 2015, the digital natives of Generation Y (75.3 million) will surpass the Baby Boomers (74.9 million) in number for the first time. In comparison, Generation X is only slightly more than 56 million people. Add to this, according to the latest estimates, over 65 million young generation Z…
What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Millennials

By Michael Brito It was just a matter of time before millennials entered the workforce, got promoted up the ranks and started becoming influential in the B2B marketing space. Just last week, Google and Millward Brown released a study that evaluated the state of B2B marketing. Approximately 3,000 B2B researchers were surveyed about their research…
Millennials Are Reshaping Work – Here’s How

By Shelly Kramer Further confirmation, if it were needed, that the millennial generation is dramatically reshaping the world of work has emerged from a recent report. This time though, the global nature of the research has not only reinforced many of the most common assumptions about millennials and work, but has also revealed that in…
Generation C: The Future of the Digital Family

One of the most remarkable transformations of our contemporary society can be seen in the way we inform and entertain ourselves through the web and social media. In the last twenty years, digital learning has made a deep impression on new generations, which they’ve harnessed with egocasting and infotainment. In a way, these trends meet…