Trust Barometer 2017: The Ultimate Alarm for Organizations

On January 15, 2017, the public relations firm Edelman presented its annual trust report. The findings were then published by PR Newswire with a rather explosive title: 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Reveals Global Implosion of Trust. The subtitle is perhaps even more sobering: “CEO Credibility at Lowest Level Ever” (PRNewswire). Edelman surveyed more than 33,000…
Facebook News Feed Algorithm Changes: What You Need To Know

By now, April’s major change in the Facebook algorithm isn’t exactly news, even if most people will not be familiar with its minute details. Was anyone surprised by this or any other of the Social Media giant’s changes? No, me neither! But maybe just maybe, we can start to see some positive trends happening now?…
Predictions for Technology and Business in 2016

With 2015 now behind us, it’s time to look ahead to next year. There’s much to look to, including the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, the United States Presidential Election, and a host of Hollywood blockbuster superhero films. Technology will be a major participant in each. What those technologies will be is going to be…
Recapping 2015: The Year in Technology, Business, and Media

With the New Year just about upon us, this is a time as good as any to review the past year. It’s also worth noting that with the turning of the calendar, we’ll be in the second half of the second decade of the 21st century. Without a doubt, time and technology are turning faster…
[INFOGRAPHIC]: The Chaos of Online Marketing

Here at Curatti, we have the pulse on the evolving nature of Internet Marketing and social media. There’s a lot of activity going on in this space, and it is only getting more chaotic as we speak with the forming of new companies, industries, and job titles. To help with understanding, we crafted an infographic…