
Shyam Bhardwaj

A 6-Step Formula to Write Copy That Sells

Use This Formula To Write Copy That Sells

Let’s start with these three questions: Are you ready to stay ahead of competitors in the world of writing? Do you have a strong will to unleash your thoughts and passions into the world? Have you got jitters that hold you back from writing beautiful copy? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions,…

Andy Capaloff

When It Comes To Writing Content, Keep It Simple, Stupid!

When Writing Content, (and Living Life!) Keep It Simple, Stupid

The KISS theory really needs to be applied to more things in life. And one of the areas it needs to be kept steadfastly to, is content writing. “Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.” —Woody Guthrie First, Know Your Audience (KYA) I don’t suppose for one second…