How To Use Instagram Hashtags To Improve B2B Customer Engagement

B2B marketers often overlook Instagram, judging it to be purely consumer-oriented. With its predominantly visual nature, it is easy to see why one would think so. It is certainly easier to persuade an individual to buy new shoes by showing how awesome they look than to convince a company representative to sign a large-scale contract…
Want More Instagram Followers? Here Are 3 Foolproof Ways

Chances are, you’ve wondered at times about how to gain more Instagram followers. This is never more true than when your count mysteriously declines! Fear not! In this article, Jenn Herman details 3 foolproof ways to boost your following. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. 3 Foolproof Ways…
5 Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t have a chronologically arranged newsfeed anymore. Posts are now organized based on engagement. If your posts get more engagement in the form of comments and likes, they will appear higher in the newsfeed. Appearing higher in the newsfeed will boost your engagement further. More comments can also indicate the effectiveness of your social…
How to Drive More Traffic With Instagram

This is the eleventh post in a 12 month series on the use of Instagram for businesses. It’s no secret that I tout the value of Instagram for marketing purposes. I honestly believe that there are many reasons to take advantage of the platform. But one of the biggest reasons is quite simply that Instagram drives…
How to Get More Targeted Followers on Instagram

This is the ninth post in a 12 month series on the use of Instagram for businesses. If you’re using Instagram for your business, then you want to expand your reach and get in front of more customers and potential customers. Having more, targeted followers on Instagram will ensure more people see your message and increase…
How to Create an Effective Hashtag Strategy for Instagram

This is the eighth post in a 12 month series on the use of Instagram for businesses. If you’re using Instagram for business, then you really should be incorporating hashtags into your posts. The simple act of adding the right hashtags can drastically increase the reach of your posts, boost engagement, and allow you to reach…
5 Tips for Sharing Ideal Images on Instagram

This is the sixth post in a 12 month series on the use of Instagram for businesses. In this series on Instagram, I’ve been giving you tips to use Instagram successfully for your business. Of course, Instagram is really all about photos so you can’t really use Instagram effectively if you’re not sharing the best images. In this…
Tips for Creating a Powerful Instagram Strategy

This is the third post in a 12 month series on the use of Instagram for businesses. If you’re going to use Instagram as part of your business marketing, it’s imperative that you have a good strategy in place. Many businesses have taken the time to craft a strategy for their Facebook and Twitter accounts.…