How to Develop Efficient Social Media Guidelines That Will Protect Your Business

Have you ever feel overwhelmed at the thought of creating social media guidelines for protecting your business reputation? Many wonder how to develop efficient guidelines for social media that educate team members, encourage team collaboration, and protect their business. This article shares proven strategies for creating guidelines that offer an effective work plan for using…
If You Want To Be A Guest Blogger, Stand Out From The Crowd

Today. One Day. We received 9 requests for guest posting. NINE! IN ONE DAY!! I don’t usually count them but there are always a lot. We apologize in advance if we don’t respond to most of these. After a while, one looks much the same as another. PLEASE! Stop with the insincere compliments. You think…
5 Editorial Guidelines Based Tips To Writing Better Content

As a content marketer, I have to read editorial guidelines literally every single day. I’ve read so many of them that sometimes I can predict the end of sentences. Some can argue that every blog has its particular requirements, but there are always some common things I find on every “write-for-us” page. The main points…
Guest Blogging Guidelines: How We Compiled Ours

All blogs that accept guest posts have some form of guest blogging guidelines. And all would-be guest bloggers have to navigate them. Ours have evolved slowly and will no doubt be changed more. A Little Background On Our Guest Blogging Guidelines A lot of the reason our guidelines are what they are is because I’m…