
Kevin George

9 Advanced Email Personalization Techniques to Woo Your Subscribers

Advanced Email Personalization Techniques

Personalizing emails using your subscriber’s first name? Great. But did you know that it’s not enough anymore? Visualize yourself in the shoes of your subscriber – You are surfing through your crowded inbox, looking for the elusive email meant for you. Amidst the ocean of generic subject lines and monotonous greetings, one email stands out…

Kevin George

10 Ways To Leverage Artificial Intelligence For Your Email Marketing

Leverage Artificial Intelligence

“It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.” —Colin Angle While I completely agree with this quote, it will be much cooler to see how innovative email marketers get their creative juices flowing and leverage the power of artificial intelligence to scale up their…

Kevin George

Hyper-personalised Email Strategies to Improve Conversions

Hyper-Personalised Email Strategies

Remember the “Spotify Wrapped” campaign for 2021? Source That’s a classic example of a hyper-personalised marketing campaign. It considers the user’s year-round activity and then targets them with content curated exclusively for them. You can apply the same tactics to email marketing too. Often, marketers feel that this is a heavy investment and shy away…